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The Great Harvest

Writer's picture: Deb Miller RobinsonDeb Miller Robinson

The Great Harvest – Are you prepared?

How do we get prepared – for this great Harvest?

We are the church – are we prepared – to give out, to have compassion – to set the captives free, to go to the harvest?

Harvest = Result of God's work in the heart of man, the gathering of men into the Kingdom of God, the act of reaping, to gather, the crops are ripe and ready to be gathered.

Who are we gathering? Those who are lost, those who are deceived, those who have been hurt, wounded, those who have been abused, those who are abusers, the homeless, the drug addicts, the prostitutes, the prodigals, the list is endless.

Matthew 9: 37-38 Then He said to His disciples “the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray, the Lord of the harvest, to send out laborers into His harvest. We are the laborers are we not?

We are His disciples today, He tells us to go – we are to go. There is a harvest out there in the world that is waiting for you to come. Are you prepared?

When we are obedient to do what God asks of us – we honor Him. God wants to restore honor in all the earth. Honoring the lord will change the atmosphere around the world.

When we go – we partner with Him.

A culture of honor is created as a community of people learns to discern and receive people in their God – given identities.

Life flows through honor – The clear fruit of establishing a culture of honor is that the resurrection life of God begins to flow into people's lives, homes, and communities - bringing healing, restoration, blessing, joy, hope and wholeness.

To honor someone is speaking to them as if you are speaking to Jesus.

John 14:15 Loving Me empowers you to obey My commands....

John 15:14-17 TPT You show that you are My intimate friends when you obey all that I command you. I have never called you servants, because a master doesn't confide in his servants, and servants don't always understand what the master is doing. But I call you my most intimate friends, for I reveal to you everything that I've heard from my Father. You didn't choose me, but I've chosen and commissioned you to go into the world, to bear fruit. And your fruit will last, because whatever you ask of my Father, for my sake, He will give it to you! So this is my parting command: Love one another deeply!

We all have a story to tell. What has Jesus done in your life?

How have you been set free?

Jesus endured the cross that we would have relationship with Abba-Father. With Elohim (Father, Son & Holy Spirit)

We are the ones to bring hope into a hopeless world, To bring the glory of Yahweh to those who have not tasted and seen who He is, and what He has done for us or for them.

We are the ones to bring the love of Jesus and show people the real Jesus – who wants a relationship. We do this by spending time with Him. By ministering to Him.

Creator did not send Jesus into this world for religion, He was sent to have relationship with us. We honor Him in relationship. When you have a relationship with someone, what do you do? You have conversations, you listen, you enjoy friendship, you love deeply, you fight for them. We are to have honor for all the earth, all creation. When we do these we honor all that He did for us, all that he created for us.

It's not that you need a title - to go – such as: a Pastor, a Evangelist, a Prophet, an Apostle, a Teacher (though these are good). He sends the brokenhearted. He sends us who are broken – so others can relate and build a relationship with Jesus.

All that we receive from Jesus when we are with Him in our sacred time, we must go and give out to others.

Knowing who you are – is knowing Him. The more we receive the more we give, the more we honor who Jesus is. Others need to hear from you – your story, your words, your smile, your love, your humor, your compassion, your encouragement, your wisdom.

Are you ready to get prepared? Here are some things preparing us for war in The Great Harvest.

1. In warfare we have fruit that remains.

Intimacy is Warfare!

Fruitfulness depends on Intimacy.

Fruitfulness depends on Pruning.

Fruitfulness depends on Abiding. (lasting a long time, enduring).

Fruitfulness depends on Obedience.

The purpose of fruitfulness is to Glorify Jesus.

In getting ready for the harvest we must learn to war.

How many of you would like to be fruitful in prayer and warfare?

What is war? God is fighting for us. We are to fight against the enemy who does not want us to get what God is fighting for.

God Knows What Belongs To Him – He is the Lord of the Harvest.

He knows what is valuable to Him and He fight for them. We must see His Warrior's Heart. To set the captives free.

We need to rise up and move into our purpose in God. He believes in you and the anointing, do you? He believes in what he started in you and will finish it!!!

2. There is an activation of our will to rise up.

We need to let the character of God and what He is through us to rise up in us instead of our excuses. Like, it's no my personality, I can't do that, I have other things to do, I am not called......the list goes on.

God gave us the land (Deut 1:8) See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers-to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-to give them and their descendants after them. We (people) are included in the land. The harvest is included in that.

What has been given to us belongs to us!!! But we also must contend and fight for it.

You cannot take the land without the battle. Israel was given the land by God, but they had to war.

3. Authority: We must understand our authority and the boundaries. At one time even Jesus did not have authority to do miracles in a city because of lack of faith. Authority also grows. Jesus gave us all authority. The enemy has no authority over me, but he fights for it and I could give it to him. (anger,unbelief,no trust, grudges,strife, addictions,the unholy trinity, etc)

We are not fighting the enemy as much as we are fighting ourselves. We blame a lot on him that is our own doing. We must distinguish this.

4. The Secret/Sacred Place: We need to know where Jesus went when He disappeared in the Synagogue. That Secret Place (another dimension) We must spend time with Him in that Secret Place for revelation, for God's mysteries to be unfold. For our healing to happen. This is a place of safety, for us to vulnerable. This place refreshes us, restores us – you do not have to be beaten up in warfare.

5. The Word: The way to prevent casualties in spiritual warfare is counsel!!! The Word!!

If you abandon the teaching and preaching of the Word for experience only, you will have casualties and you will be enticed by the enemy.

6. Intercessors: When you go to battle you need good advice. Intercessors many times stand in the gap. Intercede for you, keep you alert. God sees a gap and begins to look for someone (fill the gap), satan sees the gap and sees an opportunity. Keep you intercessors informed, they will fill the gap for God. Keep your mentors (those who mentor you) informed, keep your Pastor informed. You want their prayers also when you go into battle.

7. Wisdom: Seeing things from God's point of view. (how do you see others – through your eyes, judgements or through God's eyes?)

8. Conditions For Warfare: If you do not see that war is to bring peace, you start loving the war more than Him. Love intimacy with Him, not the war.

It takes cooperative action between God and man. Legally satan is under our feet and we are seated with Jesus. Romans 16:20 The God of peace will crush satan under our feet. God does not need our help, He needs our cooperation. He needs us to partner with Him.

When I see the battle, I pray God will fight for me. When I dive in I get hurt.

Psalm 35:1-3 O Lord, fight for me! Harass the hecklers, accuse my accusers. Fight those who fight against me. Put on your armor, Lord; take up your shield and protect me. Rise up mighty God! Grab your weapons of war and block the way of the wicked who come to fight me. Stand for me when they stand against me! Speak over my soul; I am your strong Saviour!”

9. How God Fights For Us: Be assure He is with you.

  1. His people's deliverance from their enemies

  2. His people's inheritance and purpose

  3. Individual protection, inheritance, purpose and identity

  4. Israel, Jerusalem (territories)

  5. His people to remove idols from the land

  6. His Word, His Promises and Covenant.

10. Where Is Your Warrior's Heart?

We lose our warrior's heart when we forget what is ours and we are not willing to pay the price. (Are you willing to get wounded?) When you lose your warriors heart pray: Lord, show me where I have slipped and gotten away from a warrior's heart. What have I stopped fighting for? Restore my warrior's heart.

Warfare is all about intimacy and fruitfulness.

Everything is about fruitfulness and intimacy with Him. Our entire lives are about Knowing Him and Making Him Known.

There is a price to pay. Value what God has given you. No price is too big when you value intimacy with Jesus.

There is not fruitfulness without intimacy. Birthing is from intimacy. Purpose is from intimacy. Freedom is from intimacy. What we receive when we are with Jesus we must give out.

Are you a warrior for the Great Harvest? We can partner with God and get prepared for this Great Harvest.

  1. Warring As A Team for the Great Harvest

Know your assignment. Know what the team's assignment is.

Know the ranks of your team and who you are to follow. Do not get outside your rank or move in the authority you do not have. Follow orders.

Don't love the war more than Him. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Mathew 23:37 TPT – Jesus answers him, “Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.” Strongholds are about their power that wants your intimacy and there is a battle for it. Your focus should always be on Jesus and glorifying Him.

Honor each others gift that God has given them. Help each other to mature in their giftings. Encourage one another. When one has fallen pick them up to move forward.

Put your armor on daily.

Put on righteousness daily.

Put on Holy Spirit daily.

This protects you and your team.

Corporate worship brings unity on a team. Take communion together, this is a covenant with God and each other that can not be broken. The enemy can not touch this.

Individual worship to strengthen yourself.

Receive correction as a individual and as a team when needed. (do not pick up offense) Change where change is needed.

Be flexible. Help others to be flexible.

Stay focus on the assignment. Distractions come easily.

It is Ok to ask questions don't presume anything, clarification is necessary.

Ask for Godly counsel

Don't forget who the enemy is. We blame the enemy not others.

Encourage, speak life, stay alert, stay focus on what God is doing in each situation. Ask for help when needed, ask for prayer when needed. Pray for those in leadership, encourage them.

Stay positive don't let the enemy of negative come in, into you or into your team (shut it down).

Know boundaries (with others and with the land). We sometimes need to set boundaries also.

Bring joy, laughter is good medicine, God laughs at the enemy..... don't let the enemy rob you of your joy in any of your assignments.

If you want honor or respect, then you give honor, & respect. People will honor and respect you when you honor and respect them. The Great Harvest needs this and when you do this you bring honor and respect to Jesus. Remember, everything we do is always about Jesus and glorifying Him.

The Redeeming Warrior

Redeem the land to restore the people.

Pursue, Remove & Renew.

Redeeming Warrior's take the land for the father.

Joshua 1:3 Every place that the sole of your food will tread upon, I have given you.

Dr. Negiel Bigpond's book: God's Might to Fight pg 128

Deb Miller Robinson – Eagle Warrior

Revised 3-1-2022

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