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  • Writer's pictureDeb Miller Robinson

Going Deeper Into The Land

This is a teaching I did at SWAT (Strategic Warriors At Training, last year. It was such an honor for for me to teach others in praying over the land that I love and you love.

Enjoy, if you have any comments or questions please contact me

I waited awhile before I released this to all of you. But now it is time.

I can only share what I have been taught and experience's I have had in praying over the land.

Our Creator spoke (Native & Hebrew tradition indicates He sang) this great land into existence and gifted mankind with stewardship of the earth. It is a sacred trust. We say, “Thank you, Great Mystery (Creator), for trusting mankind with Your Creation.” Dr. Suuqiina (bk Speak to the earth)

When mankind gives away land through defilement, there is immediate conflict that is termed “Spiritual Warfare”.

If the land is given to satan, he will build on it which is called Strongholds.

Release the land from old ownership (satan) to new ownership (Jesus).

We must restore the sacredness of our land, our rivers, our ocean's, the animals, our trees, plants, sun, moon, stars, all creation.

Everything is sacred because the One (YHWH - Creator) who created everything is sacred.

You can not take the land without a battle. Israel was given the promised land by YHWH, but they had to war. Exodus 34:10

For the earth is the Lord's, and all it contains.

There is Warfare in - Cleansing: the earth, your land, your dwelling place, your body (as land in you.)

The earth wants to take care of us, this is how Creator created it, to nurture, provide, feed. When we take care of the earth, it will take care of us.

The earth is mankind's womb – Adam was birthed from the earth (Mother Earth) and God called it good. A baby hears the voice of its mother & others in the womb and recognizes that voice after it is born. We should hear the voice of Mother Earth...listen and you will hear.

We are dirt people – dirt is everything to Creator – God. He calls us good dirt. He breathed/spoke His sacred breath into us and all creation.

It is our role as host people, to seek those places we wish blessed and make places of power by praying there.

When we remember to make Ceremony/Prayer, blessing every rock and flower on Earth’s surface assists in reconnecting us to our Mother. The connection process must be done with joy and celebration. When we do ceremony, we have not forgotten to dance our joy of unity and harmony, thus healing ourselves.

As we heal, the Earth Mother feels our joy. We are like cells in and on her body. The power of love, the power of healing, the power of compassion, the power of unity, and the power of knowing are our abilities. These are the gifts our Earth Mother seeks to share with us at this time. Jamie Sams

I have never been so connected to Creation as I am now. Blessing the earth and all creation has brought me to a new level of connection and deep love for Mother Earth.

What are you speaking over your land, over the earth, over creation? Does the land hear & know Your Voice?

What do you release in sound?

The ocean – roars, rivers – speak, the wind – blows with sound, the rock cry out, the mountains call you up higher, the rain – speaks. The birds awaken creation with a sound.

When is the last time you've sat by a river, a stream, the ocean and listened to what creation is saying. All creation has a purpose from Creator to fulfill what Creator has asked it to do (covenant). When we connect with creation we bring unity. We were created to hear the earth. Are we tuned in to hear or are we to busy or to afraid to listen to creation? We must learn to love deeply and bring that deep love to the land.

When we become free we can hear better in the spirit realm and in creation. (tell @ inner healing)

Come well – leave your baggage behind – check your heart, come with a good heart. Honor yourself – honor others – honor the land & honor all creation. Can we forgive without an apology? Yes we can. (ex: govt and indigenous people, someone or people group who has wronged you)

If mankind were to again love the land, like his Creator, we must first embrace YHWH's kind of love for the land and the creation upon it.

Everything created has lovingly designed purpose and God's desire is for that purpose to be fulfilled. When Creator's purposes are manifested in the earth, glory accrues to His name. His purpose for the land is for it to be fruitful and to produce everything necessary to provide, abundantly for the whole of creation.

•All creation praises Yah.

•We are stewards of the earth. Such stewardship includes both opportunity and responsibility.

•Psalms 115:16 The heavens belong to our God; they are His alone, but He has given us the earth and put us in charge.

•Psalms 24:1 The earth is the Lords, the earth belongs to YHWH, and all that fills it, the world and those who dwell in it.

•What has been given to us belongs to us!!!!

•But we also must contend and fight for it. Tell satan to get off “Our Promise Land”.

•Why do we not love what Creator loves – What Creator – spoke life into.

•We can speak our decrees – our words make a difference

•The enemy wants us to believe – our words-our decrees don’t matter.

•He is wrong – we are made in the image of Creator – He spoke – It happened – He called it good.

•Creation is waiting for us (sons & daughters) to speak over it again, to call out its image of beauty.

•Creator gave us the land. We are commanded to take the land. Deut 1:8 & 2:24

Ezekiel 22:30 - So I sought (seek to secure) for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.

•Standing in the gap = committed intercession. There is a gap between God & man that an intercessor tries to repair.

•The heart of God is searching for those who will answer the need for someone to stand in the gap. The picture is clear; without someone in place, invasion of darkness occurs and eventual destruction of people take place

•Ezekiel: 13:5 You have not gone up into the gaps to build a wall for the house of Israel to stand in battle on the day of the Lord.

•Workman were busy repairing the physical wall of Jerusalem and the prophets should have strengthened the moral and spiritual defenses as well. (build the spiritual wall)

•This is where we as prophets, gatekeepers, and intercessors come in to repair the wall (in the spirit) between the United States and Mexico and we should also look at Canada. Turtle Island

What defiles the land? (by Dr. Negiel Bigpond)

  1. Idolatry – Worship of idols – what are your idols that need to be dealt with? Do you have idols that replace Creator in you life. (sports,internet,food, etc)

  2. Broken Covenant (with God – not doing what He asks of you), treaties

  3. Immorality – behavior that is immoraly wrong, sexual misconduct, sex trafficking

  4. Innocent Blood Shed (abortion, racism, murder, wars)

  5. Man Made Boundaries - (religion, property, politics, racism)

  6. Burial of Gifts – That was not recognized. Not fulfilling what you are called to be. Ninzo De Tal Ute from Creator-God (meaning)

  7. Disturbing the sacred water (added 10-21 by AP NegielBigpond)

Leviticus 18:25 For the land is defiled (becomes unclean); therefore I visit the punishment of is iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.

Numbers 35:33, You shall not pollute the land in which you live....

Leviticus 25: 23-24 The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine....and in all the land of your possession you shall grant redemption of the land.

11 Chronicles 7:14-16 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin. For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there always.

We need to place a blood line (Jesus) on the border, command the angel armies of YHWH – give them assignments. What will be allowed in our land and what will not be allowed in our land.

•Research the breach's, broken covenants, research the original borders, research the stronghold of this wall. Research what wars happened on the land, trail of tears on the land, what people groups are there (asian, african american, native, european), slayings of people groups, mainly research history.

•When Moses stood in the gap he did not allow personal ambition or disappointment to stop him from pouring out his heart in prayer for God’s people. His motivation was to see God glorified, and his goal was for restoration of the people of God.

•Our goal should be not only restoration for the people but also for all creation and the land.

•Jeremiah 12:11 They have made it desolate: a waste. Desolate, it mourns to Me; the whole land is made desolate, because no one takes it to heart.

•Jeremiah 23:10 For the land is full of adulterers; for because of a curse the land mourns.

•Joel 2:18 The Lord will be zealous for His land…

Answer the Holy Spirit’s call. Don’t allow the price that needs to be paid - stop you, make intercession a passive issue.

It will cost time, energy, sleep, purity of motive and greater faith than most other things we do.

Immediate results are seldom seen: sometimes we may wait for many years to witness God’s answer, or it may occur beyond our own lifetime. I believe now that God is answering quickly.

God has made it clear from Genesis to Revelation that prayer is the match that lights the fuse to release the explosive power of the Holy Spirit in the affairs of men. Let us give it priority time.

•My people have a saying “all my relations” – speaking about unity, being connected to the earth and to creation.

•Before the fall of mankind Adam and Eve were connected with all life – with all creation, the purity of creation died with them. It is time to wake creation up again.

•Job 12:7-8 But ask the wild animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you. Let the fish of the sea make it known to you.

•Because of what Jesus did on the cross, He brought new spiritual birth (He was the firstborn of the dead), He gave us our inheritance to eternity He brought to us a new covenant. He gave us dunamis power (resurrection power, strength, ability, force) to take more dominion over the earth of creation. He gave us a voice to use – to decree, to believe restoration can happen.

•You only really believe that - which activates you.

•Our active participation is required for YHWH’s land to be healed. He has determined that healing the land will be an activity of partnership with Him. We co-labor with Him on behalf of His earth.

•Healing the land is for the purpose of increasing the Kingdom of YHWH

•We as stewards have the authority to deal with ancient defilements that may exist on the land. This includes your own property, church property, business property, neighborhood.

•Your town, city, & state. Your country (come in the proper way to each state, country, etc

•Those who speak to the earth often find themselves becoming gatekeepers

•John 10:2 But the true Shepherd walks right up to the gate and because the gatekeeper knows who he is, he opens the gate to let him in. And the sheep recognize the voice of the true shepherd – for He calls His own by name and leads them out. When He calls you, He sometimes changes your name (in the spirit) to who He sees you as. How does heaven know you by. (Ex. Lilly to Mary)

For they belong to Him. And when He has brought out all His sheep He walks ahead of them and they will follow Him for they are familiar with His voice.

•We as gatekeepers - open the gates.

•Gatekeeper – porter, doorkeeper, watchman over portals, a doorway, a gate, an entrance.

•Psalm 24:7 So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you.

•Psalm 24:8 You ask “Who is the Glory King?” The Lord, armed and ready for battle the Mighty One, invincible in every way!

•We as the gatekeeper open the door for Jesus to come for battle.

•Ancient gates/doors are portals of access establish by God from the third heaven to earth. They are unobstructed by demonic interference in which angel travel from heaven and back again while provisions are delivered, transportation, translation and revelation are given to man.

•What gates do we need to open:

•1. Gates of praise & worship

•2. Gates of honor & respect

•3. Gates of protocol

•4. Gates of authority

•5. Gates of truth

•6. Gates of righteousness

•7. Gates of thanksgiving

•8. Gates of intercession

•9. Gates of unity

•10. Gates of forgiveness

•11. Gates of encouragement

•12. Gates of open communication

•True, apostolic gate-keepers will be necessary to close the gates of generational wickedness and open the Gates of righteousness for the continents involved. Instead of bondage, fear, oppression, slavery, and deceit we could see freedom, openness, truthfulness, and hope released upon the land.

•In hebrew gatekeeping is translated “thinking”. A gatekeeper is one who makes decision based upon solid information gained from reliable research and discovery. Such thinking leads to exercising authority to open and close gates for the land and its people. Never be afraid to think!

•The weakest of the poor (First Nations), the poorest of the poor, (Gideon's Army), the most disillusioned and oppressed of the nations shall soon rise to defeat that which has defeated them from their earliest beginnings. Through deep repentance, they shall have power in the Spirit to intercede, to preach, and to bring down evil forces that control the darkest areas on the earth….Quote by Beverly Kopp

•When we are without deceit or any other hidden works of darkness, we will be able to see into the spirit realm.

How do we prepare for praying over land.

•There cannot be any areas of hidden darkness with our being, as the demons would take advantage of us. Lockley Bremner

•There is a right way to come and pray over a territory.

•We must come with a good heart.

•We must repent for any wrongs or hidden sin’s in our life

•We must come with unity in a team. Psalm 133: 1-3. When we have unity it is a sweet aroma to Yah and from this realm of sweet harmony, God will release His eternal blessing, the promise of life forever!

•We must come with honor for the leader and honor what God has given them.

A team must have the same vision. There is power in unity, there is power in honoring the leader, there is power in the leader honoring each one's gift and commissioning them to use their gifts. There is power in trusting those gifts.

(tell of disunity in Swaziland assignment) tell of myself learning to trust.

Leaders must have the respect and trust of their team. If a member of the team is not in agreement or wants to bring their own agenda then they should not go with you on the assignment. (that will become clear in your preparation). If you bring someone who is not in right alignment – you will open the door to the enemy to come in and attack the team, cause havoc on the outcome and there will be no Victory.

Share the story of deep inner healing on the team.

We must prepare ourself and the team before going and praying over the land.

Receive the battle plan from Creator, what does He want to do through us.

Spend time in worship, fasting, research, unity with your team (worship together, take communion together, pray, receive) Release yourself and team after assignment is done.

•We must come with honor and respect for others and ourselves

We must honor the host people of the land who have walk on the land before us.

•We must come with expecting victory

•In every area of our lives we want fruit that remains.

•In warfare we must have fruit that remains.

Fruitfulness depends on intimacy. Fruitfulness depends on Pruning. Fruitfulness depends on Abiding (staying hooked to the branch – Isaiah 60:21) Fruitfulness depends on Obedience. John 15: When you are obedient to do what Jesus asks of you, you are considered His intimate friend. TPT

The purpose of fruitfulness is to glorify Yeshua.

It is not about us. It is not about gifts or anointing's.

We need to have fruitfulness in warfare.

Some warfare is hitting the enemy with a (spiritual) gun. Hit the target! Take the enemy out.

•You protect your land in the natural, do you protect it in the spiritual?

•It is time to restore our earth, our mother.

• There are different ways to do a spiritual cleansing on your property, house, etc. Even if you are a renter you have the keys and authority.

• Pray over the land – I have all authority over this land, command the enemy to get off the land

•Make a sound to the earth: your voice, your instruments of praise, your spiritual language.. your native language, hebrew language.

• Decree out Yah’s word over the land

• Anoint the land, your house, outside buildings with anointing oils.

• Stake out the land (all corners) with stakes and scripture

• Have communion with the land and on the land (partnering)

Beni Johnson states in her book The Power of Communion, When you take communion, you're telling the world about the Lord's death. Every time you partake in the body and blood of Jesus Christ, you are preaching the Gospel. Each time you take communion, you align yourself with the broken body and the shed blood of Christ. (and the new birth of covenant for all creation.) When I do communion on the land I take the bread – honor Jesus and sprinkle the crumbs onto the earth. I then pour out the juice (His blood) onto the earth and thank Jesus for all He has done. Sometimes I take salt and sprinkle onto the earth for a covenant that can not be broken between Elohim, mankind and mother earth. (for a new birth to happen).

•Sing, compliment the earth. Speak to the wind, lay on the earth & connect with it. Smell it, taste it.

•Speak dreams & visions to come forth

•Change the atmosphere over your land

• Worship Yah on the land

• Walk The Land

Be still before Yah on the land and listen

•We have ability to give life to the land

We were created to hear creation.

Speak over creation, bless it, encourage it, restore its beauty.

Creation will talk to you – listen. (Tell of the last corner in Oregon/the birds in winter)

The Land Mourns – Release the land from evil.

•How the land speaks out, it is crying out from what mankind has done to it. Land holds on to memories. (tell about Apostle Jay Swallow – tree at Wounded knee massacre)

•Polluted – littering, chemical, neglect, straying from God's path

•Murders, abortions, sins, genocides

•Hebrew meaning of pollution – chanepth – to stray from God’s path

•Jeremiah 12:4 & 12:11 land has been wasted, because no one cares

•Jeremiah 23:20 land is filled with sorrow – the desert is dried up.

•The land is more alive then we are – always growing, giving life, feeds us, clothes us, shelters us.

•We must accept our responsibility to be stewards of the land

Warfare through repentance

•Repentance brings change in an atmosphere, brings healing to the land. It is very important for the government to repent to the host people of the land. Pray into this.

•Repenting for grudges that you or your family hold. You do not have to agree to your family grudges

•Repenting to children for your mistakes that have been made.

•Repenting to people groups for abuse, racism, veterans, etc. This will bring honor.

Repenting for abortions

•Repenting for domestic abuse

•Repenting to the land for the negative memories that it holds on to

•Repenting to Yahweh for not trusting or surrendering all to Creator. (Broken Covenants).

•Repenting Restores Trust. •Repenting brings freedom

•Warfare Through The Power Of Your Words

•Encouragement – How do you see a person – are you looking at them through the eyes of Yeshua

• Praying/Prophesying over your children & grandchildren, our next generation.

• Speaking positive words over your land, nations, people, etc.

• Speaking beauty over all

• Stopping gossip and stop speaking out negativity

• Speak the truth, life, love.

•Warfare Through Intimacy With God

•He wants a personal relationship with each and everyone

• Satan tries to stop intimacy. Our busyness can stop intimacy.

• Intimacy changes you

Dictionary Meaning: Showing a close union,

• In To Me See-When two hearts blend as one, sharing hearts. God looks at our hearts.

• Togetherness, friendship, encouragement, affection, confidence, honoring, respect.

• Where is your sacred place, your war room?

•Warfare Through Worship

• Worship was meant to be the sanctuary of the arts not the cemetery of the arts. (Richard Twiss)

• We must be allowed to worship Creator as He created us to worship.

• Who are we to judge someone’s sacrifice of praise to Yah (Jim Bowman)

• Every time we use the weapons of worship – to praise and glorify Yah, satan is reminded of what he once had which was striped from him and given to us. Not only is the beauty of worship given to us, but the authority for victory in spiritual warfare over him is also ours. Every time satan sees his past he is reminded of his future.

•Praising Him With Your Body

• Movement is prayer

• We are the temple of Yah

• Be a Warrior for your health, body, mind, & spirit

• Dancing is prayers. Walking is prayers

• Every move you make, you are advancing His Kingdom

• You are the salt of the earth – you have a flavor that only you can carry.

• You have the light of Yeshua in you. Light takes out the darkness.

•Warfare Through Alignment

•Humility. Come with a good heart (leave jealousy behind, leave comparison behind) • Honoring one another, especially each ones gift

• There is death or life in the power of the tongue.

• Don’t compare yourself with others, or other ministries

• Alignment creates breakthrough

• Battle of your mind. We must fight the negative.

• Align with your authority through what Yeshua did on the cross. Look beyond the cross. Yeshua said we would do more then what He did. Take ahold of this, know who you are and whose you are.

Don't break rank....know your position. When you break rank, not only do you dishonor your Leader but you dishonor God who put the leader in charge over you and your team. When rank is broken you opened the door to the enemy to attack you, the leader and the team.

Sword’s We Need

Sword of love – learn to love deeply

Sword of peace that subdues

Sword of joy that overflows Sword of patience that endures

Sword of kindness in action

Sword of life full of virtue

Sword of faith that prevails

Sword of gentleness of heart

Sword of self control (strength of spirit)

Sword of repentance

Sword of forgiveness

Sword of unity

These Swords take out the enemy!!!!!

•Warfare Through Numbers

•Creator – God speaks to us through numbers.

•Numbers in Scripture – Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance

•Throughout the bible you will find a pattern of repeated numbers that we must pay attention to.

Know what numbers mean, you may receive a number or numbers as you prepare to go on the land.

Warfare through colors – color has frequencies that are released, know the meaning of colors, we can release colors on the land or walking the land (scarf)

•Warfare Through Honor

•Honor is what you give, not what you receive

•Honor is treating others in the same way you would treat Jesus/Yeshua. See them through the eyes of Jesus/Yeshua, or see Jesus/Yeshua in them.

•Honor yourself

Honor leaders (do not go above your rank - military)

•Honor others

•Honor creation

•Honor Creator-God

As host people we should welcome and honor those onto our land, our territory. Speak life into them, bless them and their families. Apostle Willy Jock

Warfare Over The Earth

Connect with the earth. Pull your shoes off connect with the

land, rivers, ocean. Feel it, smell it, listen to it.

Ask God how to pray over the area

Worship with song, release a sound over an area

Bring communion and have it on the earth/ with the earth

Research the area/territory/city. Spiritual Mapping

Restore the beauty of the earth, creation.

Do not enter someone’s land, reservation, etc with out permission

  • We should not go into other cultures, nations, looking for the evil that is carried, we need to go, bringing the real true Jesus, His love, His resurrection power that is carried within , when we have Him in us. Power of Sound All cultures have a sound

We were created to hear and be a sound

Creation began to vibrate when Yah spoke life into it, that includes us.

Everything He created still vibrates today

Every region/territory have a sound.

Creation is waiting to hear the sound that comes from us

We want to hear the sound of heaven, heaven has a new sound for us to hear and to be part of bringing it forth

  • Singing is passionate speech that we resonate with our voice. Sound resonates to your spirit – certain sounds make you want to fight.

  • All creation will respond to our sound. Musicians can release song and sounds to change, government, economic structure, political agenda’s, an area or territory.

  • • Moses declared with his voice to Pharaoh Let My People Go so we can worship. At that time the Israelites songs were songs of bondage, morbid, etc. When they came out of Egypt, Miriam picked up her tambourine/drum/toph (from the spoils) and brought a new sound.

•Be a warrior for your mind. Bring healing to the land in your body.

•You are in a war for the health of your brain.

•Take every thought captive. Put on your armor.

•Renew your mind daily in The Word

•Be a warrior for your body

•Go to your sacred place and receive from God

•Connect with the earth – magnetic field heals

•20 min of sun every day gives you Vit D. – energy

•Play, relax, repeat. Take care of you. If you don't take care of you first, you won't be able to take care of others. (burned out)

•We are eating foods that attack our body. Inflammation.

•Carbs, sugar, process foods. Synthetic drugs and synthetic supplements. Sugar is more addicting then cocaine. If you are on medication pray against any side effects.

Creator created herbs for us to take, research these out, the land will heal us, our body will heal itself also. We need to get informed what is best for us as an individual.

•Ask Creator God and partner with Holy Spirit in what you should eat. Educate yourself

•Remember it is a process.

•It is about being healthy for you. Your body is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirt = Sacred.

Meditate on God's Word, saturate, set at the feet of Jesus, Sacred Place. Bless your spirit every day (bk – Daily Spiritual Blessings by Sylvia Gunter)

Do spiritual mapping on self first (before you go on assignments) The enemy will allow you to take the old things in you and manifest while you out on the land assignment. Root out and tear down those things then replant – rebuild those things of God in you. (AP Bigpond)

Spirits We Need To Be Aware In Battle Of Our Mind

These are also familiar spirits when you go to different places

(tell of the church in the Philippines (pastor cursed by words from previous Pastor)


Self - pity


•Envy – Jealousy









•Battle in our Minds



•If we do not take these spirits out they can cause diseases in our body

•Diseases – When Doctor’s can’t find out why you have a disease/pain, you are being spiritually attacked. Need to get to the root.

Psalm 85:1-13 Lord, your love has poured out so many amazing blessings on our land! You've restored Jacob's destiny from captivity. You've forgiven our many sins and covered every one of them in your love. So now it's obvious that your blazing anger has ended and the furious fire of wrath has been extinguished by your mercy So bring us back to loving you, God our Savior. Restore our hearts so that we'll never again feel your anger rise against us. Will you forever hold a grudge? Will your anger endure for all time? Revive us again, O God! I know you will! Give us a fresh start! Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness. Pour out even more of your love on us! Reveal more of your kindness and restore us back to you!

•Isaiah 60:1 Meaning in Hebrew

•Arise in power, become light and give light, for lightning will go in and attack the enemy, and the glory, & honor of Yahweh, the one true God will come and shine upon you.

We must arise in power, step it up, take out the enemy with victory!!!!!

The presence of the Lord comes in different flavors as He shines through His children. If you don’t shine as only you can, eternity will forever be deprived of that aspect of God’s nature. Jesus in you & God shining through you, is a completely new combination that not even God Himself can reveal without you being there. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t ever forget your immeasurable worth. You are more than priceless to me and to your Heavenly Father. Scott Miller (father to his daughter)

Deb Robinson – Eagle Warrior

revised – 4-12-2021


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