Fearless Warriors
Carry the Great Overcomer Spirit
Overcome Fear
Overcome Sadness
Overcome Worries
Overcome Terrorism
Overcome Stress
Overcome Dependency on Government
The Swift Eagles Overcome All Things.
1 John 5:4 For everyone born of God overcomes the world.
It is time to walk as Fearless Warriors!
Pay attention to whose voice you are listening to.
As long as you can hear your Fathers voice – you are secure in Him.
Are you walking in fear? How's that working for you?
There was a time I walked in fear, & anxiety and it controlled my life. Then I found the authority I carried as a believer in Jesus. Find your authority!!!!
This is authority in Websters: the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
Jesus has All authority, that means there is no authority except that which He gives or allows to be taken. But one thing this is certain, there is no power or authority that can ever overthrow the Kingdom of God, and so we rejoice in hope because Jesus has won the victory for us!
For me this is finding my authority through Jesus.
We do not have to take what the enemy throw at us. We do not have to take the enemy attacking our weaknesses. When we are weak He is strong.
Spiritual Authority: the God – given right to receive and use God's power that flows from the indwelling Holy Spirit (Charles Kraft)
Walking in the power and authority of God is the mandate of every true believer. The spiritual authority of the believer is a gateway to dominion. By default, God has given you the capability to overcome your challenges. But, this privilege is only available to believers who follow the teachings, the ways of Jesus.
This is a way that God encourages us to stay in the fight. I Am with you every day and night.
Our God, Our Savior says: Do Not Fear. There is nothing that is not subject to Him.
God's message to us, fear not!
We are a chosen generation.
He has called us.
He has not rejected us.
He is with us.
He will strengthen us.
He will uphold us.
He is our Heavenly Father, He will hold us with His right hand.
He has created us.
He has redeemed us.
We are His!
He knows us by name.
He is our Father & Savior
We are from Royal Priesthood
We are redeemed because we belong to God. Jesus – is our redeemer. You can safely believe in His promises.
Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Declare His promises to the enemy.
The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me – nothing unless you allow it. (set your boundaries)
I belong to God – America is my house, here on earth. I will not be afraid.
God knows your name, (knows your heavenly name). You are not just a person – He knows your name. You belong to Him. He cares for you. You have a personal relationship with the Most High God through Jesus and Holy Spirit.
2nd Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Honor Creator in all that you do.
Honor Him when He says 'Do Not Fear'.
Honor Him when He calls you by your name, tells you which way to go, or what to do.
Honor Him in being a Fearless Warrior!
Deb Miller Robinson – Eagle Warrior
Highlights from Dr. Negiel Bigpond – God's Might To Fight book and teachings.