This is Grace – every curse the enemy has, I'll turn into a blessing.
When people come at you (in you face type) stay in Grace.
Be in a bubble of empowering presence. When your in that place of grace, it grabs hold of your heart, your way of thinking and it prepares you. Gives your advance warning (Holy Spirit telling something that is going to happen that either distracts you or angers you.) Holy Spirit will tell you how to respond.
Grace is ours for the battle we are in.
We can beat the enemy by being in Grace.
Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our wrongdoings, according to the riches of His grace.
Romans 5:1-
You have grace on you for warfare. God has promised you, He will turn every curse into a blessing.
You get to see a different side of Jesus on the battlefield.
It is amazing to hang out with Him on the battlefield. To see what He sees, to hear, to advance, to overcome.
We don't think about this very much, we are so focus on what the enemy is up to that we forget to focus on Jesus and what is being accomplished. We should be alert about the enemy but stay focus on Jesus and what Jesus wants us to do.
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We can rob the enemy of key people (satanist, witches, warlocks) The accuser doesn't know that.
Grace is your place of safety in Jesus.
It is a privilege to be in warfare and certain extremes of warfare. Does Jesus trust you in this battle. He does or else He wouldn't of called you to the battlefield.
Understand what belongs to you in these times.
Understand the territory that belongs to you in Christ on the battlefield.
You are a Warrior like Caleb a man of a different spirit in that regards.
You can practice this with Jesus at your side. We are not of this world but of the Kingdom World.
We are learning what fulness and abundance is really about in Christ. Learn how to live in that place and access that place as part of our relationship with Grace.
We all have Grace on us for something. We have a Grace on us for life, for our circumstances.
We have Grace on us for people who are difficult – they are called Grace growers and their job is to help you grow in Grace, because you have Grace enough to deal with that person and love the extravagantly even while they are being obnoxious. Page 2
Grace is not about avoiding or being tainted by someone. You have grace in abundance so you can smother them with the kindness of God.
So you can be the voice of goodness to them.
So you can move in the opposite spirit then of what is coming at you.
Grace allows us to win people who don't like us. Thats the fun part of Grace. When you are living and aware of that empowering presence – nothing bothers you.
Doesn't matter what people are doing or saying, you know how you can show up in Christ.
As Caleb chose to have a mindset that was set on majesty, the majesty of God and the sovereignty of God.
Warfare is not about taking authority over the accuser, that's the consequence of Warfare.
Spiritual Warfare is about discovering the sovereignty , the supremacy and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ, and allowing yourself to be marinated in it.
Thats why Grace should do for you – make you aware of the fullness of who God is and the fullness of who He is for you.
As Creator-God: What is it You want to be for me now? Love this. Question is a dialogue between you and Creator-God.
When you see it, Grace empowers you to realize it.
Grace binds us to a impressible lifestyle.
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God is the happiest person I know. I want to be the happiest person He knows.
I want to be made into the image of God. Learn to laugh like He laughs. I want to laugh at the enemy. Learn to live in a whole different way of living.
You are not bound to anything that comes out of the world. You are bound to Jesus Christ. Cause He is the person of the Lord in you and you are in Him. Have you thought about that – You are in Him....
Practice being bound to Jesus. Any situation you are bound to do this, to do that to show up, bound to be peaceful.
The fruit of the spirit is more powerful weapon the the gifts of the spirt.
You can mess with the accuser just by being joyful.
You can confuse the accuser by being peaceful.
You can destroy the accuser by being loving.
Grace bothers the accuser endlessly, the enemy is really scard of Grace. This is why he tries to corral it in small places.
If you really get the fullness of Grace – the accuser is toast.
Highlights from Graham Cooke – Grace
Deb Miller Robinson – Eagle Warrior
