Today’s reading (Jan 22) from the book: Eagle People Journal by Ghostdancer (Calvin) Shadley. He is from Klamath Falls Oregon.
Warriors, perhaps you are wondering why this old Indian is so big on the Sacred Writings? It is because I lived many years loving Creator Yahweh but never quite understanding the concepts of salvation. I would climb Cheelaqsdi, the Sacred Mountain where our people did vision quests. I would meet with Creator Yahweh, the Living God, in that place where thousands upon thousands of angels were in joyful assembly.
But then I would come down the mountain and face the journey in my own strength. It was as if since I’m Native American, I just kept Creator Yahweh upon the Sacred Mountain, only calling for Him in times of crisis. While in my babe-in-Christ mode, He covered me, but He expects us to get off of milk and mature.
In my case, it took quite a few years, but finally, through reading the Sacred Writings, I began to grow stronger and kept Creator Yahweh with me, not just upon the Sacred Mountain, but also down in the valley where I take my day-by-day steps.
Ghostdancer’s brother in law Don Gentry (Past Chairman of Klamath Tribe) wrote a song with these lyrics in the song:
I am standing on this mountain, where my people use to pray.
You are the one true God, holy is your name.
In the Bible, mountains are often used as metaphors for the place where heaven and earth meet.
I think in this new season, we need to make time for a Sacred Mountain experience. Jesus made time for this.
Mark 9:2-3 After six days, Jesus took Peter, & the two brothers Jacob and John, and hiked up a mountain to be alone. And Jesus appearance was dramatically altered, for He was transfigured before their very eyes! His clothing sparkled and became glistening white - whiter than any bleach in the world could make them. Then suddenly right in front of the, Moses and Elijah (ancestors) appeared, and they spoke with Jesus.
Notes: the kingdom power of God was seen in Jesus transfiguration and the appearing of Moses and Elijah on the mountain.
In the next verse Peter was in so much awe of what he was seeing with the ancestors Moses and Elijah speaking to Jesus, he felt like he needed to do something (build shelters/huts) Then a radiant cloud began to spread over them, enveloping them all. And God’s voice suddenly spoke from the cloud, saying, “This is My most dearly loved Son - Always listen to him!
Notes: Moses represent the Law and Elijah represent the Prophets. Both Moses and Elijah were associated with Mount Sinai (Horeb), both had a ministry of performing astounding miracles, and both had unusual circumstances surrounding their passing from this life into glory. Peter tells us clearly that what he saw that day was a preview of God’s Kingdom realm.
Mountains can mean different things in our lives today. Yes, we have physical mountains (they need the prayers to Creator Yahweh) & we need to bring blessings upon these mountains. To decree outloud with our voices what Creator wants us to decree out. Restore them to Creator, as many witches/warlocks bring curses upon them.
I was taught many years ago to honor these high mountains by asking permission to approach and set foot on the mountain. (I do the same with the oceans, rivers etc.). Creator spoke life into all creation, so we must honor creation when we go to pray. It should be a sacred time of prayer.
Romans 8:20 For anoints its will the universe (creation) itself has had to endure the empty futility resulting from the consequences of human sin. But now with eager expectation, all creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay. (Release creation).
We have the 7 mountains of culture that we are to pray into:
I have been taught in order for us to take a mountain of culture, how are we doing with relationships in our lives. Do we love well? Do we honor well? Do we communicate well? If we have some relationships where offenses have come in, bringing those offenses with when you go out and pray, will effect you and the team you are on or lead. We must deal with what is in our heart and mind before we can even go out and pray over these mountains of culture.
RELIGION – influences us to worship God in spirit and in truth or through a spirit of religion. The spirit of religion that dominates this mountain distorts worship and truth with the doctrines of man, and a denial that the Holy Spirit and power of God are part of His plan for man today.
❖ FAMILY – empowers us with the blessing or enslaves us with the curse. As the alignment of God and man became distorted, so did the alignment within the family to the point that most parents have turned over their responsibility for molding the minds of their children to the schools and the media. This means the dominant influence in the lives of children and youth are the messages of the powers and principalities that currently control the culture.
❖GOVERNMENT – restrains evil or enables it to prosper. Prideful ambition and a spirit of control are primary influencers on the government mountain.
❖ EDUCATION – communicates the truth and principles of God or the deception of the enemy. In most countries the focus of education has shifted from Godly principles, values and service to the rights and abilities of each man to reason truth for himself.
❖ MEDIA – interprets information and events through the lens of good or evil. The doom and gloom that dominates the media is the result of the spirit of fear, one of the controlling spirits on this mountain.
❖ ARTS / ENTERTAINMENT –celebrates or distorts values and virtue. Man was made to be a worshiper and to use his creative gifts to glorify the creator. Instead his gifts have been perverted to glorify man and bring pleasure to himself, resulting in what some are calling “Grand Theft Culture”.
❖ BUSINESS – distributes resources used to honor God or celebrate man. The spirit of Mammon that is at the top of this mountain convinces us that money is the source of our prosperity and we have to get it ourselves or poverty will be our lot in life. The faith that holds to God as our source breaks the power of this spirit. This mountain finances all the others.
Link to this:
We should add Israel to this list. We are commanded to pray for Israel, for the peace of Jerusalem.
There are mountains that we face personally in our lives.
Called: Spiritual Mountains
Spiritual mountains are challenges in life that can be overcome with faith and God's guidance. These challenges can be in the form of negative emotions, financial difficulties, or career struggles.
What are spiritual mountains?
It purifies the heart (Acts. 15:9), and so removes mountains of corruption, and makes them plains before the grace of God.” So, the mountains are spiritual mountains . . . things like jealousy, envy, unforgiveness, fear, gossip, judgment, unkindness, callousness, pride, and selfishness.
Examples of spiritual mountains
Financial difficulties: Trying to pay off debt or struggling to make ends meet
Career struggles: Feeling overwhelmed by work or barely getting by
Negative emotions: Feeling consumed by fear, worry, or anxiety
Spiritual corruption: Feeling weighed down by offenses, jealousy, envy, or unforgiveness
How to overcome spiritual mountains
Use God's Word: Read the Bible and use it as a guide to help you climb the mountain
Have faith: Even a small amount of faith can help you overcome challenges and reach your goals
Move forward: Don't get stuck looking at the mountain, but instead take steps to move toward your goals
Remember your purpose: God created you to climb, and He has a purpose for you
Here is the scripture for today in Eagle People Journal
Sacred Writings.
Romans 8: 12-17
So then beloved ones, the flesh has no claims on us at all, and we have no further obligation to line in obedience to it, “For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, we then taste His abundant life.
Sons and Daughters destined for Glory.
The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned for as He rises up within us, our spirits join Him in saying the word of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as He whispers into our innermost being “You are God’s beloved child!”
And since we are His true children, we qualify to share all His treasures for indeed, we are heirs of God Himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that He is and all that He has. We will experience being co-glorified with Him provided that we accept His sufferings as our own.”
Notes: His suffering or accept His feelings of pain or things He experienced.
Or Join heirs with Christ. Nothing in the Bible could be more amazing than this. Grace has made former rebels into princes and princesses, royal ones that share in the inheritance of Christ. TPT
January 30, 2025
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior
Pleya gi - Go With Blessings