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The Last Shall Be First

Writer's picture: Deb Miller RobinsonDeb Miller Robinson

Creator has saved the best for last – the last shall be first. We are surviors, we are stewards of turtle island. We are survivors of genocide. We are no longer victim’s we are free from this spiritual attack.

Now is the time for us to arise.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of Yahweh has risen upon you. In Hebrew: Arise (from spiritual depression to a new life), shine (be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord; for your light has come, and the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you

We get to carry His glory wherever we go. Every step we take, His presence is with us. When we walk the earth His presence is with us. When we enter buildings His presence is with us. And with His presence being with us we get to change the atmosphere.

We say 'white man's Jesus/religion'- this is not so. Jesus/Yeshua is Creator's-God's son, a gift He sent to us. He is from the tribe of Judah.

Why do we dishonor Creator by not accepting His gift. White man brought Jesus to us in the wrong way – they did not understand culture. They brought to us His Word and we brought to them His Spirit.

They understood one way to worship, one way to teach, this is all they knew at the time, they could only teach what they knew.. They made many mistakes in teaching us religious theories. They removed our culture, stole our children, treated us as if we shouldn't even exist.

Yeshua came not to remove culture but that we may have a deeper relationship with Abba. There are many ways to Yeshua – but only one way to Creator.

Creator did not create religion He created red man, white man, black man, yellow man. Mankind all races to have a relationship with Him.

Yeshua came that we may have eternal life, to be set free from sins of this world.

That we may be assured when we cross over, that we would go to be with Him.

He did this so we would have resurrection power to, do more on this earth then what He did.

Creator sent to all of us Yeshua that we would have a deeper relationship with Him.

Yeshua intercedes for us. Yeshua is love – would you lay down your life for an enemy as Yeshua laid down His life? He calls us friend, & beloved.

He laid down his life for those who rejected him, cursed him, beat him, from those who were filled with jealousy, hatred, bitterness, condemnation, those who were filled with a religious spirit. And as He did this He said forgive them Father they know not what they do.

We must worship Creator in spirit and in truth.

We must lay down our weapons of division, of dishonor (hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, rejection, shame, anger). These are spirits that we have been deceived by. The biggest weapon against the enemy is love yourself, love all mankind , worship in unity. When we do this – we take out the enemy of hatred, bitterness, unforgivenss, jealousy, rejection, shame, anger.

We wrestle not with flesh and blood but against principalities.

Jesus is calling you....Jesus is calling you...Jesus is calling you


He says this to us:

1 John 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things.

1John 2:27 But the anointing which you have received from Creator abides in you and you do not need anyone teach you but at the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him

The world is waiting for us – Indigenous People. To hear our insights, our truths.

There are mysteries in Creator and He is revealing them to us.

You may feel that you have been forgotten but you are just starting.

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about

us becoming everything that isn't you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

Kingdom Culture Is Now

Kingdom Culture embraces everybody. Every tongue, tribe and nation.

Come to the Father as a child. Children do not have racism or prestigious unless they have been taught this.

We must learn to walk in Kingdom Culture. We must learn to set a standard. We must accept one another. We are host people, stewards of this land. We have a higher calling to make sure we have peace, others have peace, the earth has peace. This land can not be healed, can not go through inner healing – unless we start speaking life to one another and life to the earth and all creation.

There is death or life in the power of the tongue.

Are you a warrior for Creator?: A warrior loves, knows when to fight, has a battle plan, knows when to retreat, when to get refreshed, picks up their sword of love and dismantles the enemy. Hits the target...and takes out the target (enemy).

Yahweh is doing something new – He is making us to be who He intended us to be.

Now is the time for the last to be first.

It is time for all of us to create a culture that are world changers.

We are a reflection of Creator's image. We are His reflection

This is what Creator says to you:

Ninso de tal yute – You are like a river that gives me life and without you I could not exist. Meaning in all that I have taught you, move forth in it and share with others.

Corrie Ten Bloom forgave the Nazi's. Can we forgive those who have hurt us, caused us pain, rejected us. Yeshua said before he died on a tree, forgive them Father they know not what they do.

Creator called out the Israelites the first born of His land, out of Egypt, out of many bondages.

He applied with hyssop the blood of the lamb on the doorposts, for them to get free of death. But we as the firsborn of this land are being set free. Now is the time.

How many of you have Native blood? It is time to come forth as first born of this land and have hyssop applied to the doorpost of your heart, with the spiritual blood of Yeshua to bring you into freedom, out of bondage.

Do you want to be set free? Then come and we will do Creators fire circle.

If you need to get cleansed, get refreshed come up.

I believe Creator is taking us into a deeper inner healing then He has ever taken us before. Now is time.

We will apply hyssop to the doorpost of your heart. Jesus blood paid the price.

We will worship in unity for Yahweh. We will breakdown strongholds. We will be free.

Deb Miller Robinson – Eagle Warrior

Revised 2-9-2022

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