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The Covenant Sacred Meal

Writer's picture: Deb Miller RobinsonDeb Miller Robinson

Communion – Covenant – A Sacred Time With God

Communion or Covenant Meal has been misunderstood.

There is power in partnering with God our Creator through communion, through

The Sacred Meal.

•Communion should be the norm in your life, the bible calls this, the Covenant Meal (the Sacred Meal – the Spiritual Meal). This meal activates the covenant with God.

•It activates every promise of God.

•There are many mysteries being revealed with the Covenant Meal we call communion.

•I Corinthians 11: 23-24 For I received from the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”

•In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, this do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.

•In the midst of His betrayal and impending death, Jesus gave us a weapon. He gathered His disciples around for the Passover Meal (Sacred Meal). He gave thanks to His Father and then He gave all believers a way to remember the New Covenant. A way that was about to be made on the cross.

The secret of the sacred place is, protection, a place to talk with God, to be vulnerable with God. A place where He invites us to come and be with Him.

Have we broken a covenant in not honoring the original intent of communion – God’s Covenant – Sacred Meal?

Communion should be a sacred place in your life.

Communion should be a process and should not be rushed. How can we consider this Covenant - Sacred Meal and enter in, with our heart not in it.

In communion you are proclaiming – The Lord’s death until He comes. His death was a payment for your salvation. We accept what you Yeshua have done for us, we look forward to when you come

Deuteronomy 6: 4-6 Sh’ma Israel Adonai Eleinhu, Adonai Echad (one, to bring together)

Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.

And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.

This is the first and greatest commandment.

Matthew 22:39 and the second is like it “ You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

To love ourselves we honor the One who loved us first. A heart to heart connection.

Our mandate here on earth, is to represent God (we are made in His image) The blood of Jesus was spilled so we could come back into a fellowship with the Father, we were called from heaven to walk in a restored relationship with the Father and demonstrate to the earth, His goodness.

We are called to have a covenant with Him.

When we start to love God right, then we will automatically love people right, love ourselves right.

In order to do this we have to honor Him, partake of Him, of His Son, & of His Holy Spirit. Elohim - Trinity

Living for God with all our heart.

This Sacred Covenant

is a tool of honor that has effects on the circumstances of life.

Maturity in the body of Christ is to live with what God has already given us, in a consistent way. We need to have a cycle of life to live in the right way. If you don’t have a consistent prayer life, you don’t have maturity, if you don’t have a consistent alone time with God, you don’t have maturity.

Take the revelation that we have and live in it.

Are we not mature saints? Called to live the right way.

•As a part of your prayer time – partake of Him while you take Communion.

•When you are sick – grab onto Communion in a more intentional way.

•This is a weapon against the enemy

• A purposeful and proactive part as your relationship with Jesus

In God’s word, every time a covenant was made, it was sealed with a meal. It was a bond between both parties vowing often by oath, that each, having equal privileges and responsibilities that would carry out their assigned roles. God gives us assignments, we are to complete here on earth.

Lists of covenant’s with a meal:

Melchizedek & Abraham Gen 14:18-20

Isaac & Abimelech – Genesis 26: 28-31

Laban & Jacob – Gen 31: 44-46

Israel came out of bondage, to honor Creator-God with celebration,

with a Covenant - Sacred Meal.

Exodus 13

At Mt. Sinai a covenant meal was activated.

There was an invitation to come up here and be with Me - Creator - God.

Exodus 24 - Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu,

and the 70 elders. (they were allowed to see what God wanted to reveal of Himself and live.

A worship experience that allowed them to have an intimate (relationship) contact with Creator).

This Covenant - Sacred Meal solidify – (to make them solid) in who they were in Him (leaders)

Moses = drawn, Aaron = light bringer, Nadab = generous, Abihu = He is my Father, Elders = those who had authority, ancient ones, those who prayed for us, men & women

This meal, is a mystery of God. In the bread and wine we see a doorway into heaven, a connection that connects earth with heaven, the entry of a blessed world that many have missed.

We don’t realize the power when the bread is no longer bread and the wine is no longer wine.

The mystery is when the bread becomes the body of the Son of God and the wine becomes the blood of the Son of God.

This is a connection with God’s world. He invited us to come in through the door, Yeshua.

•When you partake of this Sacred Covenant, take it as a prophetic act.

•Apply the power of His blood to your families, your illnesses, your circumstances and celebrate what Jesus did for all mankind. and all creation.

•Declare Heaven over families.

•Speak Life over yourself, over spouse, over your children, grand children. Speak Blessings. Declare His promises.

•There is something powerful about declaration of truth.

•When we declare these, they are a prophetic act. A prophetic act: is Holy Spirit inspired physical action that disrupts the atmosphere. We are releasing something into the atmosphere that helps the answer to our prayer to breakthrough.

•Let the reality of the New Covenant wash over you, changing your mindset within you that needs to be changed. Philippians 4:7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

•Remind yourself that you can walk in His peace no matter what circumstances surround you.

•As we partake Him in this Sacred Meal we are aligning our mind with God’s, we are able to partner with Him to see breakthrough

We are at War – Communion –Sacred Meal is a powerful weapon. It is also a military tool of battle. Every time we take communion we remind ourselves that the devil has been defeated.

When you partake of the bread and wine – you are in a spiritual battle for your health, spirit - mind – body.

Each blood covenant was a connection, protection & provision. Each blood covenant offered a promise that would enhance life, but it came with a potential cost of life. By Jesus shedding blood, the covenant was an intimate profession of a lifelong promise.

Each time Abraham had an encounter with God – he was given an promise, he built an altar, a place of remembrance. He believed in his promise – he believe God. God determined it to him righteousness. Gen 15:4-6 He built relationship with God.

When God suggested making a covenant with you, it should feel very meaningful.

It should be Sacred.

Communion – Sacred Meal is a doorway.

This side is death, disease, sin, offenses, anger, disunity. On that side (heaven) there is life, no disease, no sin. There is unity, love and relationship.

There is no devil on the other side, only on our side, there is no bondages on the other side, only on our side.

When we partner with God through the Covenant Sacred Meal we enter into the other side.

We become a part of the internal love of Father, Son & Holy Spirit. We are united with them.

We will enter into a new world through the door. Yeshua is the door.

We are His people – made new by the Sacred Spirit of God. We are a new creation with Him.

A new man, A new woman – the old is gone.

We are forgiven. We are loved. We are needed.

In The New Covenant, Jesus validated our new covenant in His sacrifice for us. By what He did, He gave us resurrection power and all authority here on earth, against the enemy.

It represents the body and the blood of Jesus. We have access to the transformation power and grace of our Savior. A powerful tool for us.

Luke 22:19-20 Jesus blessed the Covenant Sacred Meal, gave blessings and honor to His Father first.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melach ha-olam

He broke the bread as His body was broken for us.

He said “this cup is my blood of the new covenant”.

Then told His disciples ‘Do This’ in remembrance of Me. Honor Me in this. Remember what I have done. Remember my body, my blood, what it represents.

Jesus will lead us through communion – He provided a prophetic act that believer’s can continue to implement. He was giving us a way to align ourselves with Heaven and bring Heaven’s reality to earth.

Without what Jesus did – we would not have fullness of Jesus Christ. Once you go through the door – the enemy can’t touch you.

God prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemy. Psalm 23:5

The enemy can not move there in the presence of God.

This is our sacred place.

We meet with Him, conquering death for life.

He always reveals Himself at the table, our eyes are opened at the table with the breaking of bread.

The table is a place of vision, union with Jesus. We have lost the mystery of this anointed place.

At the table everything becomes right, healing, forgiveness, restoration, life, deliverance, and so much more.

Come well (leave your baggage, your past at the door) to my house, come to my table.

Come with a good heart.

Come and be with Me.

Partner with Me and I will partner with you.

Come and have My Sacred Meal with Me.

Sacred Meal is like a battle ground.

We have to fight & press in sometimes to do it (Covenant Sacred Meal). (especially in our homes)

We honor Father, Son & Holy Spirit when we meet this way. (Our Sacred Place)

We are honored, when we meet with them.

The Sacred Meal – communion = Come into Me and see, come into unity, come and partner with Me (union)

Let us become One. Make us One Father.

Yahweh wants our heart to connect with His heart.

We are celebrating His kindness. His goodness.

His mercy. His love for us. Our relationship with Him.

His presence has a military effect on the demonic realm that surrounds us. There’s an effect by what you do, stay focus on the Lord. We get to come to the Lord with our grief, our sickness, our pain & make an exchange.

We are declaring from the beginning to the end of His gospel.

When you take communion – align yourself up with this reality. Place the blood of Jesus over your spirit, your mind and your body and receive His transformative healing presence into every area of your life.

Communion is alive, not a ritual - an intimate union of the Spirit of Yeshua with the Spirit of man. Yeshua wanted the supernatural reality and power of His kingdom to be manifested in us.

For My Flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. John 6:55

We drink and eat daily not monthly or yearly.

Our spirit, in order for it to live and stay strong, must eat every day, just like our body.

We bless our spirit every day. Call your spirit forth to be in the right alignment with Creator. Spirit should be first in strengthening the body and mind

Your Spirit connected with Holy Spirit.

Speak blessings over it.

Bk: Daily Spirit Blessings by Sylvia Gunter

•Jesus then said to them ”Truly, truly, I say to you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven.

• For the bread of God is that which comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world.” John 6:32-33

I am the bread of life John 6:48

•In the bread and wine there is a prophetic proclamation

Yahweh provided daily manna for His people. A double portion on Shabbat. (Provision every day)

In Him we have life, daily. Abundant life.

We get to partake of His double portion for us, of His abundant life for us. Of His healing for our spirit, body, & mind.

Can we Trust Him and Partake of what He has for us?

Exodus 25:30 And you shall set the bread of the Presence (His presence) on the table before me regularly.

Luke 14:24 I say to you all, the one who receives an invitation to feast with Me and makes excuses will never enjoy My banquet. I extend to you with My scepter as The King, to come to My banquet. Set at My table.

The table for you was a blessed Spiritual – Sacred Meal, a reminder of the gifts of grace, for He is present there, to enjoy His benefits.

Gen 9:9 Behold I established My covenant with you and your offspring after you.

Break the bread

Remember the betrayal, the cost of what Jesus did. By His stripes we are healed. It represents His broken body and our healing. You are proclaiming, He is coming again.

Bread represents- Jesus is the bread of life, provision daily, broken for us


Drink this cup of wine in remembrance of Me. Ancient weddings the bridegroom came to the father and asked for the bride. He paid a price and brought gifts for the bride, it was the bride who had the honor of accepting the bridegroom and his gifts by taking the cup of wine and partaking of it, with the words I accept.

Wine represents grace, joy and marriage.

Power of the blood covenant: Sacred Meal

To gain a more intimate understanding of God and His word.

Because God deals with mankind based on covenant.

To understand your identity in Jesus.

Covenant = b’riyt = to select the best

He is the best, we are the best.

Revised 2-7-2022

Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior

This was such a great reminder as I had taught on this several years ago. I am so blessed

to partner with Yeshua/Jesus in this Sacred Covenant Meal

Books: The Power of Communion by Beni Johnson

Eat My Flesh - Drink My Blood by Ana Mendez Ferrell

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