The Teaching of Job:
The book of Job teaches several lessons:
God is sovereign. We can not understand His workings by rational thinking alone; faith must rest in God's love and our knowledge of Him.
Sovereignty means that God is all powerful; He knows all. He is everywhere present and His decision is final (Jeremiah 4:8, Daniel 4:7)
When we understand that God's will toward us is good (John 10:10) that God cares and communicates His caring to His children – as He did to Job – this changes everything. Faith must have a resting place. When deep suffering threatens the foundations of faith, as was the case with Job, and assault on our faith can destroy us unless we are firmly rooted in these truths.
In times of tragedy we face the temptation of making God our adversary instead of our advocate. With Job of we can focus on declaring our innocence and questioning the justice of God, or we can bow in humility and wait for God to reveal Himself and His purposes to us.
The Testing of our faith in God is an individual, personal testing. At times uncontrollable forces may come against us. Family, friends, and other sources of strength may be taken from us, leaving us seemingly alone in battle. It is in this aloneness, however, that we must hear God's voice rather than the voice of others. We must trust Him to fill our voids and return us to victory.
Job a type of Christ – suffered greatly, was humbled and stripped of all he had, but in the end he was restored and became the intercessor for his friends..Job 42:10 And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior