I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes. Away from me all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping. The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. Psalm 6; 6-9
Hebrews 5:7. During Christ's days on earth He pleaded with God, praying with passion and with tearful agony that God would spare Him from death. And because of His perfect devotion His prayer was answered and He was delivered. (Jesus did not die in the garden, He chose to die on the cross)
The Meaning of Tears:
At times, extreme joy can bring about tears. However, in general, tears result from excessive sorrow, when too much psychological pressure is applied to our being. In other words, when sorrow and depression with us become unbearable and the heart becomes overburdened and uncontrollable, tears flow out. Yet the amazing thing is that when our tears flow out, all the heavy burdens wishing suddenly become light. Originally everything is that when our tears flow out, all the heavy burdens within suddenly become light. Originally everything was tense, but now things become relaxed. it seems that something has come out of us through the tears.
Therefore, teas are very meaningful. Thy discharge whatever is in the heart. In other words, tears are the outlet of the heart. Have you ever wept like Job wept? Of course weeping before men is a manifestation of your weakness, but a person ought to shed tears unto God. I have often said that whoever has shed tears before God is blessed. On the other hand, whoever has never shed tears before God does not know th meaning of fellowship. Neither does he know about being close to God or casing his burden on the Lord. (Works of Watchman Née).
Psalm 126: 5. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Tears and Brokenness in Victorious Warfare: Tears in Scripture play a unique role in spiritual breakthrough. Here we discover that the planting of seeds accompanied by a spirit of brokenness will not only bring a spiritual harvest of results, but will leave the sower with a spirit of rejoicing in the process. This passage, along with numerous other in Scripture regarding a spirit of brokenness, pictures a variety of purposes and functions related to what might be termed "the ministry of tears." A ministry Charles H. Sturgeon defined as "liquid prayers."
First, Tears of sorrow (2 Kings 20:5) are brought on by the helplessness of our physical frailty.
Second, Tears of joy (Genesis 33:4). Rejoice in restored relationships. (Rejoice in laughter)
Third, There are tears of compassion (John 11:35). In caring for the pain of others.
Fourth, There are tears of desperation (Esther 4: 1,3). Crying out for help only God can give.
Fifth, We weep tears of struggle (Isaiah 42:14). In bearing down to give birth to the new thing God has promised to do.
Sixth, There are tears of repentance (Joel 2:12,13) weeping because of our sin.
Passion in Spiritual Warfare is clearly needed.
Tears play a unique role in spiritual breakthrough. This text tells us that the planting of seeds accompanied by a spirit of brokenness will not only bring a spiritual harvest of results, but will leave the sower with a spirit of rejoicing in the process. (Kingdom Dynamics)
It is in our heart, softened by tears, where we must plant. In such fertile soil, the precious seeds will grow and bring a joyous and abundant harvest. (Jack Hayford).
There has many tears in my life and now I see them as seeds being planted.
I have had tears for the loss of my parents - (even though I know spirit doesn't die, I miss them).
I've had tears for my children and grand children. (Plant those seeds of prayers for growing).
Tears of rejection, or being accused. (Jesus went through rejection, being accused, go to Him for comfort or understanding).
Tears of something not happened. ( It is in God's timing)
Tears for those in sex trafficking (pray for them).
Tears for those who are lost. (Praying for encounters with Jesus).
Tears of travail. (We need to birth it in).
Tears over the land. (Keep blessing and heal it).
Tears over self - not thinking I was good enough, or not loved. (Let Jesus heal you)
Sometime's the tears will just flow, and other times they are held in. It is time to release your tears.
Tears are a gift of grace from God, and their fruit is always joy. Weepin arises from the hear and signifies an open and softened heart. Perhaps that is why so many people are embarrassed to cry; they do not want to reveal their vulnerability.
God put Psalm 56 in the Bible for people who feel forgotten in their pain. This Psalm says that every tear David has cried, God has placed in a bottle. It's this intimate imagery that god is near in our hurt. God, hearin millions of prayers at any given time, is aware of every tear that leaves your eyes. Psalm 56: 8-11. You have kep count of my tossing; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in our Book? This I know, that God is for me. In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, I shall not be afraid.
Let that sink in. There is not a drop of water that has fallen from your eye that God has not seen. Ever. From the burdens you felt as a 3 year old. To the weights of your teen years. To the anxieties of your you adulthood, to the complexities of old age. Every burden, painful moment, and anxiety you have faced, God is aware of.
Tears are very powerful, especially in healing. And for those who have been taught not to cry (examples: boys don't cry, stop crying you big baby, go to your room and cry - I don't want to hear it, or those who laughed at you because you where crying.
Let my tell, Jesus cried. If Jesus as man and God could cry, we can to. David cried. Many disciples cried.
I was reflecting on my recent land assignment in Whitewright, Texas. I could feel real repentness when a Pastor got on his knees in the dirt and wept and repented to the Cherokee's there for Texas causing them to leave. You could feel his heart, the land felt his heart. It was vibrating with every tear.
Then there was a Cherokee man that wept as he washed the feet of this Pastor, and the feet of His wife. This was repentance in a deeper bond, that I had never witnessed before. At this gathering of praying over the land: unity, trust, love and healing truly happened. We were taken up into another level with God, for an upgrade or higher calling per say. Everyone of us felt a shift happened.
There is so much in the atmosphere that happens when we release tears, shifts in the spirit happens and you will see those seeds grow.
Sometimes when I sense Jesus is so close I weep, I don't know why, but I know it is a deep honor and love just to be in His Presence.
Let those tears flow...
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior