When Jesus bore our sins on the cross – He could not take them to heaven.
There is no sin in heaven. He took them to hell and left them there. Threw them back to satan - kind of in your face satan!!!
You satan will not rule My people with sin anymore. I have brought the keys of life to set the captives free – here now and in the future.
Jesus purpose as a man here on earth was to experience what we here on earth go through and show us how to overcome what the enemy threw at us all the time. To ensure us He is for our freedom from the bondages that satan had over us, the temptations, our weaknesses, our bondages, etc.
Jesus was the first born (of death) and brought us a new covenant. He did this in carrying our sins and overruling satan. He had to die to self (as a man) on the cross. He knew His Heavenly Father was giving Him freedom for us in this act of dying but yet in the act of giving free life to us.
We are born again in the spirit a new man. Jesus experienced death as a man. He experienced born again as a new man – victory over satan.
If Jesus didn't believe in Himself – we wouldn't of believed in Him. If He didn't bring us how to have authority over the enemy, we would not of survived or learn what an overcomer was.
Satan thought he had won until Jesus showed up in hell where he resides. Jesus had to shake off the sins of this world in hell where it belonged. Jesus had the keys to set the captives free from satan. The keys were freedom, and being born again. A spiritual rebirth happened in Jesus and that he would see it in us.
When He opened the door for us He brought us into being born again because we believed in Him.
When you believe in Him – He is in you – when He is in you this is what He recognizes when you enter heaven. He sees himself in you and knows you. This is the key that gets you into heaven.
Greek – born = gennao = meaning: to be born, cause to arise, bring forth
Greek – again = anew = Meaning: another, from above, from a higher place (things that come from heaven).
Divine Spiritual transformation that comes forth. Born from above.
When Jesus used the keys to remove all the sin off of Him, He became born again (an experience he had to have for us) He brought forth through this a new covenant for us to have access to (if we believe in Him). He unlocked freedom for us, a victory that satan never seen coming.
Satan can not rule us – We are free through Jesus. We are overcomers as Jesus showed us how to be victorious, how to fight from victory.
Did Jesus not say we would do more then He did?
There are obligations of the first born: Be a good example for your family and others, be responsible, inherited twice as much, belong to God (Exodus 13:1-2), Holy unto God,
Jesus was firstborn in the physical (Mary & Joseph), and in the spiritual (over death).
Matthew 3:13-
Then Jesus left Galilee (heathen circle) (region of Palestine) to come to the Jordan (place of change/spiritual transformation) (the descender) to be baptized by John (Jehovah is a gracious giver)
But when He waded into the water, John resisted Him saying, “Why are you doing this? I'm the one who needs to be baptized by you, and yet You come to be baptized by me?”
Jesus replied, “It is only right to do all that God requires.” Then John baptized Jesus.” And as Jesus rose up out of the water, the heavenly realm opened up over Him and He saw the Holy Spirit descend out of the heavens and rest upon Him in the form of a dove. Then suddenly the voice of the Father shouted from the sky, saying, “This is the Son I love, and my greatest delight is in Him.”
In ancient Israel, as in much of the ancient Near East, the firstborn son inherited his father’s responsibilities as head of the family (Genesis 27), so we read in the Old Testament that he normally received a special – double – inheritance (Deuteronomy 21:17). We see this fact in the stories of the patriarchs, where we also see that being the “firstborn” was a privilege that could sometimes actually be bestowed on a younger son who was not the literal firstborn at all. When we read the stories of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, we see that “firstborn” privilege was frequently not based on literal birth order, but on selection.
Jesus Christ was literally the firstborn of God and the Virgin Mary (Matt 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-35; 2:7, John 3:16). However His birth did not mark His origin in time but only His appearance as a man.
As part of the triune God, Jesus Christ is eternal and pre-existed before and participated in Creation (John 1:3). He has neither a beginning nor an end; He exists outside any human concept of time.
Yet His birth as a human being, an incarnate form of God, qualified Him for receiving the Birthright as the Firstborn.
While existing as equal with God the Father, Jesus Christ functioned as the Firstborn among all Christians. And while God predestined Christians to be with Him and conformed to the image of His Son, He intended all Christians to have an intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ as younger siblings would have with an older brother. (Rom 8:29).
Jesus Christ is the firstborn from among the dead, the first human being to be resurrected from the dead and reside in heaven. Preeminent, sovereign over everything including death, Jesus Christ the Firstborn is exalted, and glorified in Heaven by angels and resurrected saints (Col 1:13-18, Heb 1:6, Rev 1:5).
Jesus Christ was literally the firstborn of God and the Virgin Mary (Matt 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-35; 2:7, John 3:16). However His birth did not mark His origin in time but only His appearance as a man.
As part of the triune God, Jesus Christ is eternal and pre-existed before and participated in Creation (John 1:3). He has neither a beginning nor an end; He exists outside any human concept of time.
Yet His birth as a human being, an incarnate form of God, qualified Him for receiving the Birthright as the Firstborn.
While equal with God the Father, Jesus Christ functioned as the Firstborn among all Christians. And while God predestined Christians to be with Him and conformed to the image of His Son, He intended all Christians to have an intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ as younger siblings would have with an older brother. (Rom 8:29).
Jesus Christ is the firstborn from among the dead, the first human being to be resurrected from the dead and reside in heaven. Preeminent, sovereign over everything including death, Jesus Christ the Firstborn is exalted, and glorified in Heaven by angels and resurrected saints (Col 1:13-18, Heb 1:6, Rev 1:5).
Jesus Christ was literally the firstborn of God and the Virgin Mary (Matt 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-35; 2:7, John 3:16). However His birth did not mark His origin in time but only His appearance as a man.
As part of the triune God, Jesus Christ is eternal and pre-existed before and participated in Creation (John 1:3). He has neither a beginning nor an end; He exists outside any human concept of time.
Yet His birth as a human being, an incarnate form of God, qualified Him for receiving the Birthright as the Firstborn.
While having existed equal with God the Father, Jesus Christ functioned as the Firstborn among all Christians. And while God predestined Christians to be with Him and conformed to the image of His Son, He intended all Christians to have an intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ as younger siblings would have with an older brother. (Rom 8:29).
Jesus Christ is the firstborn from among the dead, the first human being to be resurrected from the dead and reside in heaven. Preeminent, sovereign over everything including death, Jesus Christ the Firstborn is exalted, and glorified in Heaven by angels and resurrected saints (Col 1:13-18, Heb 1:6, Rev 1:5).
Jesus Christ was literally the firstborn of God and the Virgin Mary (Matt 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-35; 2:7, John 3:16). However His birth did not mark His origin in time but only His appearance as a man.
As part of the triune God, Jesus Christ is eternal and pre-existed before and participated in Creation (John 1:3). He has neither a beginning nor an end; He exists outside any human concept of time.
Yet His birth as a human being, an incarnate form of God, qualified Him for receiving the Birthright as the Firstborn.
Deb Miller Robinson – Eagle Warrior
