On Dec 5, 2019 I wrote in my journal, a letter from Creator.
Happy Birthday My Daughter. Yes I knew you before you were born.
Your dream about being among plants and trees and they were healing you, yes they are healing you. Because you heal nature - nature will heal you.
Deb it's not about what you do, it's about what I will do in your circumstances. Focus on this!
You are always with Me and I am always with you. Not about what you have to do.
We commune together - we are together - we are partners.
You love Me deeply and I love you deeply. That is enough.
Yes I love when you spend time with Me - when you have communion (Covenant Sacred Meal) with Me. But I also know you do honor Me (don't beat yourself up over this - not spending enough time with Me).
I do love reading back over my journals to see what I have come forth in. To see reminders of what Creator has said over me, my purpose. To see who I need to prayer for again.
It is so honoring to see where Creator has answered my questions or just telling me 'it's ok'.
My challenge to you is keep a journal for you, reread them and see how you are moving forward in His love.
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior
Revised 2-15-2022