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Writer's picture: Deb Miller RobinsonDeb Miller Robinson

In Ephesians 4: 11 - 16: and He Himself gave some to apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers - for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry (each member of the body), for the edifying the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect (mature) man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about, with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of many, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head - Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. NKJV

I want to introduce you to First Nations Version of the New Testament an Indigenous translation, Holy Spirit inspired by Terry Wildman.

Ephesians 4: 11-16: Walking in Harmony - He gifted us with message bearers, prophets, tellers of the good story, and wisdomkeepers, who watch over us like a shepherd watches over his sheep. These gifts were given to prepare Creator's holy people for the work of helping others and to make the body of the Chosen One strong until we all follow the good road (the faith) in harmony with each other because we know and understand who Creator's Son is. We will then be like the Chosen One - mature human beings, living and walking in His ways, and fully reflecting who He is. No longer will we be like children who are tossed about by the waves and follow every voice they hear in the wind. We will no longer listen to the ones who behave like tricksters with their forked tongues. Instead, as true human beings, we will walk out this truth on the path of love. When we become fully grown, we will be like the Chosen One, joined together with Him in the same way a body is connected to its head. Every joining in this body is needed to hold it together and help it grow. When al the parts work together the way they should, then the body grows strong in the love of the Great Spirit.

How are you equipping others? We should be mature believers who have a commission to reach out to others. We really need to pour into others and especially our next generation.

Are we edifying, building each other up, encouraging our Pastor's and those in leadership? Are we encouraging others in our midst? Why is there so much strife in the church? It is up to us to shut this down. Why is there so much non commitment in helping out in the House of God? It is not about showing up in church and expecting the Pastor or those in Leadership to hold your hand when you are offended or when you bring your own agenda - what are you going to do for me! You are here to serve me!

Three weeks ago I was awaken at 3am. I know when I am awaken and can not go back to sleep that Creator has a revelation for me. He said: "Tell my people this: Do you come to the House of God (Church) with your own agenda - or do you come with what is on My (God's) heart? What is My (God's) agenda and and have you bypassed that or have you set and listened to what I am saying. The House of God does not need man's agenda. The House of God needs us to hear and do... to bring us closer to Him, to heal the sick, to set the captives free." He wants us to equip others. Be intentional with your words, ,be intentional with your actions. Do your words and actions bring people closer to Jesus?

Jesus came to earth with a purpose for Creator. He left a lot in heaven - knowing what His purpose was - but yet He came as a baby and matured to an adult, to go through what we were going through, to experience mankind and to set us free. He knew He would be the only sacrifice needed to overcome satan and to set our spirit free to live eternal. When He was on the cross - He said forgive them Father for they know not what they do. He was speaking of all mankind.

You were born in the physical and born again in the spiritual for a purpose - to glorify Creator (God) to honor what Jesus did on the cross.

Do we bring honor wherever we go? If we want to become one with Creator, we must learn to bring love. It is time to stop the competition in the church, in our gatherings. It is time to stop the jealousy and gossip. In order to not hear the wrong voice, we must know His voice! Are you listening to His voice or the enemies voice?

Are you able to walk this path out in love?

Religion comes into the House of God and kills, tries to kill our spirit and Holy Spirit. We as mature believers need to use our authority - it is time to decree out with our voice - there will be no religious spirit in the House of God, there will be no man's agenda in the House of God. Decree - Holy Spirit come and fill the House of God, that we may have a relationship with Jesus who leads us to the Father. Your will Abba be done.

We can not bring into 2023 the things that are not of God. We can not bring hatred, grudges, offense, all the negative that we allowed to get attached to us. Shake all the negative off and fight with our voice and authority. In order for us to walk in a higher way, we must pick up the sword of love, unity, & honor. Be intentional with how you are in The House of God. Hear and do! Don't just show up, we need to help others (encouraging, cleaning, praying, offer help, etc.). We are in God's House. Ponder on this

Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior


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