Hineni - Here we are Lord send us.
Cindy & Deb in Portland. Team to Palenque
I am sharing about our assignment to Colombia in Oct/Nov 2024.
It was quite the journey to get there 26 hrs to be exact. Mission assignments are not for the faint of heart.
When Creator - Yahweh calls you, He is with you all the way, this is how we learn to stay focus on Him, His Word, knowing He provides and protects.
We knew this assignment was going to take us deeper this time. We started fasting and praying 3 months prior to us returning there. We found out that Faros Palenque team also fasted and set aside time of intercession every afternoon from 3pm-5pm to pray.
To me this is Powerful Warriors for this assignment.
The team consisted of Susie Bell (Faros International Ministry) She was our great Leader.
Tricia Ezell (TK Devotions) Worship Leader, Cindy Shirley - Kingdom Warrior (AP Team)
and myself Deb Robinson - Founder of Ancient Pathways Ministry.
We are a team in unity, honor and open communication. With all of this brings a mighty mature team for Creator - Yahweh's Kingdom.
Our focus is to bring healing wherever we go. Deep healing is what was needed for this assignment.
Cindy and I left from Portland, OR and arrived in Bogota, Colombia the next day. Since we were on a 'sister' airlines of Delta, Cindy was not given a seat in the states but was told to get a seat in Bogota. She was put on standby. There was a 'hero' there who spoke english and he reassured Cindy she would get on the plane along with him as he was on standby. His words were "don't worry there will be a seat for you and me." Of course we text for prayers. Of course Creator-Yahweh came through and we were both assigned to new seats #27 to be exact. Hmm what does the number 27 mean: a period of spiritual growth, rooted in faith and spiritual enlightenment, deepening your connection to Creator-Yahweh and completeness in Yahweh's revelation. We knew we had the right seats.
We finally arrived in Barranquilla Colombia. On the way to pick us up, Susie came down with a rash on her face and scalp ( later we found out she had shingles) and  I became ill with allergies/cough while in Bogota airport.
Yep the enemy was not happy we were there, but Creator was.
We got some good rest that night and woke up to have team time. the next morning. After arriving in Colombia we had met new team member from Colombia named Sihly (who just graduated from law school). She was instrumental in helping us out and driving us.
She was a gem to us.
Sihly and Susie
Susie taught us about removing the veil that is keeping you from Jesus. Question - What is keeping your from My worship? Addictions in the flesh, mindsets that need to change, and what are your idols? We all went through repentance, and asking Jesus/Yeshua to unveil us with His baptism of fire...
Tricia had a dream and shared it. She seen a baby being born but the baby had down's syndrome (which is a missing chromosome). This dream spoke to her about the spiritual aspect of the area we were in. In the dream she also sensed: death, adultery, cancer, suicide, incest, fornication, religious, orphan, unbelief, & comparison. This dream directed us how to pray over the atmosphere/area.
We reconnected with the Pastors at Alturas Church Boris and Tatiana. I had given them a challenge last year to 'start dating', to get away and just be by themselves (renew their first love). We had a great report of their progress. The challenge I had this year was 'The power of rest'. I brought a short teaching and shared it with them. In fact Jesus/Yeshua had been talking to them about resting.
Tatiana shared her story of when she first came into her calling (Prophet) she had felt called to pray over the land but her mentor squished her voice in that. I gave her my teaching of 'Going deeper into the land" and her son will translate it for her. We all gathered around them, spoke life into both of them and I got to release her voice to pray over the land. We then prayed over Sihly for her voice to be heard, and to move forward in her purpose. We had a powerful time of removing what the enemy had stolen and brought healing to them.
Pastor Tatiana removed the allergies that were attacking us. So freeing for me.
Thursday Sihly taught us on Love doesn't suffer from fear.
We attended their church that night and were released to pray, bring healing. There was a powerful move of the Holy Spirit. and there was such an intimacy that Holy Spirit brought, many were deeply touched and healed.
The following night (halloween) there was a Woman's Gathering and I was asked to teach on Loving The Word of God. For the month of October Alturas Church challenged their people to go deeper into this subject and to meditate on God's Word more. This something maybe here in America should do for the month of October The warfare was great but Creator - Yahweh wins. I shared with them what it means to
be a Woman Warrior grounded in Creator's Word. How to fight for your land, church, family and yourself. Afterwards we prayed for a marriage, a young woman who had cancer and many others. Afterwards we had a table talk with the leaders and they shared dreams
they had before we arrived. It was so good to share the dreams, struggles and victories.
Cindy and Daniella (Worship Leader) Alturas Kids Dancing Prayed over Cancer patient woman with mask on
Friday we shopped for supplies that were needed for the village. We left for Palenque Village (3-4 hour drive) upon arrival we were warmly welcomed. That night Pastora Catalina celebrated her 50th birthday. (This was a first birthday party for her). The church was all decorated, the kids did several dances for her, and then prayed over her. There was a live 'cowboy band'. The leader of the band was a Pastor that she knew from another town. Many people from the village came to honor Pastora Catalina. The next day we got to pray and honor each band member, speaking life into them.
Pastora Catalina Pastor of the band, blessing. Kids blessing her
Saturday was a day that the electricity and water were shut off by the counsel in the village. Susie became ill with stomach issues, we were scheduled to meet with married couples in the late afternoon. The team went in to pray over Susie (she also had shingles)
She decided to rise up and not let the enemy win. This is perseverance in bringing healing.
We found out later that Pastora Catalina had a very bad headache. She was lying down in the next room and our prayers reached out to her and her headache went away. (their walls do not go all the way to the ceiling). In fact all of our team got sick on different days.
Thank goodness for all our intercessors.
There were 4 couples at the Marriage Class. Susie taught and the rest of us shared our stories about our marriages, the ups the downs and the victories. We gathered around each couple and prayed, then had each couple pray over other couples.
They asked for another meeting to receive some more healing.
Sunday am was kids church. Cindy and I brought water color paints and paper for the kids to paint. We fed them, had worship and then sent the older ones on the porch and the younger ones inside to start painting their favorite place. What pure joy we had watching all 66 kids paint. Thank goodness we had several helpers to help with all the kids.
Sunday evening I shared about Jesus in culture. Jesus came for us to have a deep relationship with His Father (Creator-Yahweh) He didn't come to take away culture. I first started out by bringing protocol gifts of hearts, sunstones and shawls.
I thanked Pastora Catalina for letting us come and share on her sacred land.
There are some traditions that we have that the enemy stoled from Creator and use to glorify him. Example the salt covenant in the bible vs the witches and warlocks using salt to bring curses, using rocks, animals, & creation to bring curses, using the drum to bring curses. Creator created us to bring worship with all instruments, with all nature. It was a honor to share what I have been taught about my Native Culture. Cindy also shared a flute song for them.
Honoring Pastora Catalina. Honoring Yusne
Honoring Nini the cook
Monday was the start of Inner Healing Class. Susie taught on bondages being broken and false walls we believe in. There were about 14 adults that came. The team interceded during these classes and shared also on our healings. On this day I woke up with feelings of: why am I here, inadequacy, I don't belong here, comparing myself to other team members. I didn't even disclose this during team time, thinking I can take care of this in my mind. I sent out a text to my strategic intercessors for prayer. After Susie started teaching I realized I was picking up on the spirits in the classroom and in the area. My lesson was - bring what you are feeling, to the team to receive prayer and break off the bondages, the attacks. Cindy got to share healing from drugs through Jesus and Tricia and myself shared our healing stories.
The healing class was Mond, Tues, Wed & Friday for about 5 hours each day.
Friday was the day of repenting with deep healing happening. Each of the team members prayed over each one. A great move of the Holy Spirit touching each one where they needed it the most.
Susie had many appointments for counseling during the week. We would intercede in the next room and sometimes we were asked to come in and pray over individuals.
I had the privilege of bringing a grandmothers blessing to 3 different individuals. Two of them had been beaten by their grandmothers several times.
We went in to pray over a young man who Susie was counseling. Cindy and Tricia had seen fear all over him, Cindy asked him when was the first time you felt afraid. He told her when he was @ 10, there was an earthquake. He was staying with his grandmother when the earthquake happened. He was trying to get outside but the floors were rolling and he could not get out. That was a spirit of trauma on him, we were able to remove the trauma from him. Then he told a story of staying with his grandmother and she would bribe him to read God's Word. (He is an evangelist now). When they were staying in a house the bathroom door would get stuck and you would have to kick the door in. One day the bathroom door got stuck and he kicked it in not knowing his grandmother was behind the door. She was injured and started bleeding from the head. They took her to the emergency room and she was ok. But several months later she became ill again, went to the hospital and died of an aneurysm. He always believed he had caused her death.
When we prayed Jesus told me that she came to heaven freely and was dancing on the streets that were golden. This reassured him as she always loved to dance before the Lord, we broke off the fear of him thinking he killed his beloved grandmother. I was able to give him a grandmother's blessing and adopt him as a grandson.
Thursday we all had family day at the local pool. We all rode on motorbikes (had drivers) to get to the pool. My driver was Lindo who is part of Faros leadership in Palenque. He was driving really slow because I'm old (72) there were deep holes and roots so I was very grateful. But then we got on the pavement and he was still going very slow. Cindy's driver past us and I kept saying go faster, go faster. Then all the other drivers past us. When we got to the pool I said to him with an interpreter, you were driving like you had an old person on your bike, he then told me I was just taking good care of you. Yes, they honor their elders in the village.
The pool was so refreshing for all of us. There was a small farm there and the kids got to pet and ride some of the animals.
Thursday evening we had scheduled a Woman's Spa Night. This was where we taught on colors, Cindy and Tricia gave back massages (limited time), Deb and Susie gave oatmeal facials and facial massages. Cindy and I brought silk painted hearts (donated to us), we put them in a bag and then let each woman pick a scarf. We also brought glass hearts with scriptures and sunstones with scriptures. We then shared the meaning of their colors that they had chosen. We wanted to love on them as sisters in the Lord. Safe touch is so important to teach.
Friday we had the last class on healing and the healing went deep in each one. There was repentance, each person was asked to get alone to speak with Jesus and let Him love on them. Lots of bondages were broken and true walls came up of who they were in Jesus.
I was able to give to one woman a grandmothers blessing as her grandmother didn't believe that her dad was her father. The grandmother was very mean to her and beat her also. When you give a blessing bonds happen. We a bonded family now.
Friday night we watch a movie with Bruce Willis in it 'The Kid' a story of healing the inner child in you.
Saturday was a Coffee Shop entrepreneur's team who came to practice on us. They are in the process of learning business as they want to have a coffe shop in their village.
Yusne had gotten an idea of a new dessert that she wanted to make and test it out on us to critic it. There is a company/ministry in the states who want to help them with this.
The team has to save up their money, write down the recipes in the first phase of the business. Yusne didn't know how to measure with cups and spoons as she only used her hands and visual measurements. Cindy got to teach her how to do this. This was such an honor for Cindy as she felt from the Lord the value of even the small things to teach. She was changed by this experience.
Yusne and Marilyss Yusne
The new dessert is called 'Amor Profundo.' ( I would say this every where I went as it means I love you deeply)
Saturday afternoon Cindy was to share her story to drug addicts at the Cultural Center in the village. We were told to meet Susie there as she was doing some counseling. Cindy, myself and Sihly arrived there. There were many people there. Cindy and myself went around and greeted everyone there. I was thinking 'man these people don't really look like drug addicts to me'. Well come to find out the people there, were the Council members of Palenque. And we had welcomed all of them. Yep they will remember us next time we come (I do believe we get to meet with them next time we come).
As we are sitting there listening to them start their meeting, a dog came up to me and laid his head on my lap wanting to be loved on. I just petted this dog and prayed over him/her. The history of the village is when boys turn a certain age they are brought an animal to have sex with. This is an initiation into manhood and some of the warlocks coven.
So yes the animals are traumatized also.
Finally Susie and Catalina get there and we are brought to the right room for our meeting.
One addict showed up who was related to one of the team members. Yes we will stop for the one! Cindy shared her story of how she was delivered from drugs. Afterwards he was encouraged to tell his story.
When he was young his Mother left and his Dad worked in a different city. His Grandmother was to take care of him. She started to beat on him many times. Around the age ten he started using marijuana, then he kept getting deeper into being hooked on harder drugs. When he was done sharing I got up to pray over him, stood in the gap of his grandmother and repent to him for the pain I had caused him. The pain came from my pain I then asked for his forgiveness and told him how much I love him and needed him in my life. He began weeping and put his arms around me and forgave his Grandmother. Afterwards he told me I was his Grandmother now and please send him a voice message so he could hear my voice. What an honor for me.
Now he also has the love of Jesus. Cindy also prayed over him and broke bondages off of him.
Saturday evening, we walked to a family's house, who's husband (young family) was murdered several months ago.
He was visiting another village and was killed by some gangsters. We prayed over all of them. He was well loved in Palenque.
Sunday Kids Church, but we had team time next door. It is very important to have team time when you are on assignments, to debrief, to pray over each other, to honor what each one went through, to honor your leader and pray over him or her. It is important to release your voice, thoughts, hurts, and things you will remember on the assignment, and things that could be done differently.
Sunday afternoon we said our goodbyes and headed to Cartenga.
We also took the Coffee Shop entrepreneur's team with us, so they could go to several coffee shops and take notice of how each one operated and types of food and coffee there.
Susie, Tricia, Cindy and myself walked to a restaurant close by and enjoyed the beach along with the great food.
Monday was a day of shopping, & relaxing. We said goodbye to the team who was headed back to Palenque.
We got to meet some new missionaries (Katie and Rachael) from the States who were coming on an assignment to Palenque. We all shared our experiences in the village with them, prayed over them and they prayed over us.
Pastora Catalina came to give us blessing as we leave.
She shared with us many great things on this assignment. She wanted to set down and talk with us, but language barrier was really hard for all of us.
She shared about missing the river gatherings they use to have, women would come and meet by the river to do their laundry. Cindy shared with her about getting baptized in the river and the importance that this was and it was a warfare to become cleansed.
We found out after we left, Susie, Catalina and some of the people who came to the healing class went to the river to have them get baptized. All of them stood in a circle and got baptized in the river, a spot that was chosen for them by Catalina.
Baptism Mincho & Deb Catalina & Cindy
Lindo, Carla, Mincho Catalina & Deb Catalina & Tricia
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior