My husband Ron and I took a much needed vacation in Puerto Valarta recently. We were there as they were preparing for their holiday 'day of the dead' a Latino/ Catholic celebration. History of the day of the dead came from the Aztec's. They would honor their loves ones who had passed on. In the old days they would visit their loved ones favorited place, or fix their favorite food, just to honor who they were here on earth. Remember good memories of them. The catholic religion decided to incorporate this with all saints day on Nov 1 of every year. I am all for honoring your loved ones who have passed on and remembering them and all they instilled in us.
As we went downtown it was quite the eye opener of how I believe this holiday got hijacked per say.
They were in the process of preparing for this holiday and had a 7 foot Skelton sculpture all dressed up, and there were many other skeletons dressed up like Elvis, The Beatles, Marilyn Monroe with candles and yellow-orange flowers around them as an altar. It is their belief that monarch butterflies (yellow and orange) may come and visit them, meaning these may be your ancestors saying hello.
I felt I was walking around the dead. My reaction was 'get me out of here'. But I have to say people there were happy, enjoying the festivities, enjoying the vendors etc.
Ron and I found a very nice restaurant and had an amazing meal and I got speak life into the waitress.
This was part of their culture, which I was trying to understand the origin of it, (still pondering on this).
When we got back to our room, I was asking God about all of this. What He told me was: you don't need to fear walking amongst what you see as evil, you should focus on caring My Presence with you and walking out the light that you carry into a dark place. Needless to say this got my attention. I was so focus on what I was seeing in all the skeletons, I didn't enjoy the beauty of nature there (what God had created).
We so many times we go and visit other countries to experience their culture which is a beautiful journey.
If we go looking for evil we will find evil, if we go looking for good we will find good. We have Jesus in us, we carry His Presence, we have light, light penetrates the darkness (evil has to leave).
So as we go to different cultural groups, bring Jesus with you. Focus on bringing His Presence and not what you are seeing around you. There can be things that you think are evil but when you ask the meaning behind what you saw it can be good. For example: the first time I saw a track with a northwest native design on it, my first thought was that is evil/demonic. I opened the track and it told of Jesus on the cross with 2 thieves. I didn't understand the picture because I was not familiar with the meaning of the artwork, but when I read the track it opened my eyes and heart to search deeper, ask questions before I judge something.
1 Peter 3:9. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
Yes we do not pay evil with evil: in our words, in our thoughts, or in our actions.
I am not saying we don't have evil around us we do, but in my experience if I stay focus on Jesus in me, and bring His light I will reach many people, I will walk and heal the land or area I am in. The atmosphere will be changed. I can enjoy where I am at in a deeper way.
I learned a very valuable lesson in Mexico. As I walked carrying His Presence I was able to bless and speak life into many. You can change a person by a smile, a honoring word, encouragement (tell them how Jesus sees them), a hug. I was told the way the Latino's hug is heart to heart - I loved this. In cherokee a da nv do (pronounced a don toe) means heart and spirit. May we learn to walk in the Great Spirit and have many heart to heart hugs and connections.
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior