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Are You A Warrior Of Holiness?

Writer's picture: Deb Miller RobinsonDeb Miller Robinson

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

God we want to see You in a real way. When you pray do you know who you are about to talk to?

It is an honor to walk into His Presence and speak to Him. Think about who you are about to approach – Almighty God, and asking Him to move in our lives. This is a real thing and to some of us this is normal. But, there is nothing normal about what we are to do.

We are about to come before the Creator of the universe. Are we doing this with reverence and give Him our best attention?

Everything was created by You Creator, and for You. For Your Glory. We want to honor you, we come with a thankful heart – reveal Yourself to us. We want to walk away in Awe of You.

Psalm 43:3 Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak! Pour into me Your rays of revelation truth! Let them comfort and gently lead me into the shinning path, showing the way into Your Burning Presence, into Your many sanctuaries of Holiness.

Jesus emptied Himself, He left everything to come down here not to be served but to serve us and to die as a ransom for us. We thank you Jesus for everything you did. Open our eyes to how wonderful and majestic You are. You are loving, forgiving, mercy, & Holy. It is an honor to be in Your Presence.

It's a honor to partner with You.

What do you mean when you say I believe in God? Who is God to you? Are you being all that God has called you to be? Are you being the church? Jesus told us to repent, be baptized (in water and fire), be filled with the Holy Spirit. Are you a follower of Jesus? Is Sunday the only time you pursue Him? In His Presence? Is He the love of your life?

This is what Holy Spirit gave me in my saturation time on 1-20-19. Church isn't about 1 day a week of meeting with Me. I have put My church in you. I want a relationship. I have so much more for you. Ask Me – I am a good Father. I have much more to pour out. I have much more to give to you. I want to walk with you, speak with you. Be with you. I don't want your theology, I want your heart.

I have mysteries I want to reveal to you. I want my child, my son, my daughter to be with Me.

When your children are grown – they don't spend as much time with you. It is like that with Me. You don't spend as much time with Me - because you're busy. But I have life for you. I have love for you.

Say hi to me when you wake up. Have coffee or tea with Me as you do with a friend. Sit with Me.

I love you and want to be with you. Just set with Me, I care about you. I want to pour My love over you. I am lonely for you!!! I love when you spend time with Me, even if it is only 5 minutes. I want to hear from you – you are important to Me. It is ok to just sit and listen to Me. Am I important to you?

When we are with Him during the week, individually, we should be bringing a deeper Presence of Him when we gather together as a corporate and this should be the most powerful experience for us. Imagine if all of us did this and came to church, the Glory of God would come.

Scripture did not teach us we are to go in and listen to a sermon once a week. He said to go, bring My Presence, bring My Love...are we as the church doing this?

What does Creator/God say the church is to be? Jesus said 'I want a loving body, a family. Do people walk in and see this? Do they experience a love they have never seen before? Since we are the church, are we bringing this when we meet together, when we come and assemble together?

Creator gave you a gift for all of us. When you exercise your gift you are experiencing Creator in a different way and communing with Him, to manifest His presence of His Spirit. Those who believe in Jesus and have chosen to follow Him, have a gift that must be shared. Everyone was given something from Creator, this means everyone. Everyone that comes in to a church, a gathering, a home group or out into the world, must believe they have a gift to offer. Everyone was to be a disciple - you are the one others see – you might be the only one that they witness as God's word, as God's love.

Are you excited to come together and pray because you know something will happen. Are you expecting God to move on behalf of your prayers as a church. Come expecting mighty and powerful things from the One we serve and love.

Do we meet together from house to house and break bread? Include God in our meetings, gatherings?

Disciples/Apostles devoted themselves to prayer, to worship, to His word, to fellowship, to being with Him. Who are you devoted to?

If we are right before God – what ever we do will work. If you are right with Him – you can walk around a building 7 times and it will fall down. (God's strategy). If you don't walk with Him in purity – you can have the greatest strategy and it won't work. Purity isn't doing everything perfect it comes from spending time with Him.

Make sure you know who you are and whose you are. When you know your identity = authority.

II Peter 1: 3-8 TPT

Everything we could ever need for life and complete devotion to God has already been deposited in us by His divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing Him who has called us by name and invited us to come to Him through a glorious manifestation of His goodness. As a result of this, He has given you magnificent promise that are beyond all price, so that through the power of these tremendous promises you can experience partnership with the divine nature, by which you have escaped the corrupt desires that are of the world.

So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness and to goodness add understanding, and to understanding add the strength of self control, and to self control add patient endurance, and to patient endurance add godliness and to godliness add mercy toward your brother and sisters, and to mercy toward others add unending love. Since these virtues are already planted deep within, and you possess them in abundant supply, they will keep you from being inactive or fruitless in your pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately.

Do you have a picture of who you want to be in Jesus and with Jesus? Are you maturing in who you want to become? Spend sometime alone and write out who do you want to be? What is your passion? What are your promises? What is your purpose?

How does Jesus see you?

Who is God/Creator to you? We have to get to a place of realizing who He is. If we don't, how can we go deeper, redeem the land, bring His love deeper, reach others?

Isaiah 6:1-

In the year that King Uzziah died (he was a good King for 52 years and people were accustom to following him) “I clearly saw the Lord. He was seated on His exalted throne, towering high above me.” His long, flowing robe of splendor spread throughout the temple. Standing above Him were the angels of flaming fire, each with six wings; with two wings they covered their faces in reverence. With two wings they covered their feet, and with two wings they flew. And once called out to another, saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, Commander of Angel Armies!” The whole earth is filled with His glory!” The thunderous voice of the fiery angels caused the foundations of the thresholds to tremble as the cloud of glory filled the temple!

Then I stammered and said “Woe to me! I'm destroyed – doomed as a sinful man! (I am dead, I cannot be in His Presence this way) For my words are tainted and I live among people who talk the same way.

King Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies! My eyes have gazed upon Him!

Is there death or life in the power of your tongue? Isaiah saw the sinfulness of man the Seraphim saw the Glory of God. Isaiah had to see what the angels see. Every true voice of God must have the revelation of Glory filling the earth. Without this vision, we are only seeing part of the truth. What fills the earth is His Glory not our sinfulness.

When we see Him like this vision, we can not stand in the weightiness of His presence, we usually get on our knees and bow, covering our face in reverence to Him. All we can say is holy, holy, holy. All we can do is weep before Him because of who we are here in a sinful world. Our Commander of Angel Armies is there in this place for us to come into His throne room, to worship, be in awe of Him.

We have no other words to express, just staying bowed in His presence.

I had a dream over 5yrs ago and it is still vivid today. I was with another lady of the church, we believed differently and I had a hard time with her. In the dream we were sitting opposite of one another on the ground. A strong wind came and we both knew it was God blowing His sacred breath on us and through us, it was so strong that our bodies were shaking. The fear of God came up on both of us and He passed through us. After many years of thinking about this dream, I felt like God is saying it is ok to be different in your opinions of Me, it is ok to be different in what you do. But let me tell you this I love you both, I poured out My Spirit on both of you, you both are needed and wanted in My Kingdom to do what I ask each of you to do. Even though we believed in God differently we still were unique in His sight. We are good friends today and both have gone through breast cancer and have encourage each other tremendously. That is maturing up for me..

Did you get this? The whole earth is filled with His glory! We have a earth that needs to be redeemed of His glory. When we carry His glory this way on the earth, to nations, to His church, to our cities to our families change will happen.

Read this again.

The thunderous voice of the fiery angels caused the foundations of the thresholds to tremble as the cloud of glory filled the temple!

What caused this shaking? The celestial praises of God, sung to their highest, caused the foundations to shake.

Have you heard the angels sing? It is powerful. Sometimes I have heard this during worship, it takes you away and up into the heavenly realm and changes you.

Have you seen the angels come with His Glory?

The White & Light Colored Horses

I had a vision during worship and drumming March 31, 2018 at Muckleshoot Pentecostal Church. I was there at Return of the Original Gatekeepers Gathering.

I saw a large group of white and light colored horses (the whites one were in front), in this vision the horses were coming down from heaven, but what amazed me the most is they where all marching to the heartbeat of the Abba drum. They came past me (I was in the back dancing) before they even started coming toward me I was covered by the glory of Yah. I was hit by His fire over and over again. They kept coming, kept marching to that wonderful heartbeat of the drum. They were being released to move forward and keep going. Yah's Glory was very thick around me, Elizabeth Hawker came and prophesied over me and Susan Edwards smelled frankincense.

I asked Yeshua the meaning of the vision: Deb, My Eagle Warrior I have sent the horses to you – to see them released. Your eyes are being opened, it is safe for you to release the visions I give, it is safe to release the words I speak to you – you have been trained well.

But I also believe this vision is for the First Nations. The horses are a cloud of witnesses that have been released to go ahead of us, their war dance is to the beat of the drum – Abba's heartbeat for us. This dance is for us as First Nations. We have been trained by Holy Spirit, We have walked mightily with Yeshua, We are being released by Yahweh. It is safe for us to come out (Dan Mosley).

Revelation 6 talks about the white horse: Then I watched as the Lamb broke open the first of the seven seals. Immediately I heard one of the four living creatures call out with a powerful saying “Come forth” so I looked and behold, there was a bright white horse – It's rider had a bow and was given a crown of Victory. He rode out as a conqueror ready to conquer. (The Passion Translation)

footnotes: Go forth – the horse is an emblem of overcoming invincible power in battle. The color white is found throughout Revelation, always associated with Christ or spiritual Victory. A bow without arrows shows that He is coming to conquer not military but spiritually. He holds a bow to shoot the arrows of truth into our hearts. This is Christ coming forth as King in authority and power, riding out to conquer everything within us that hinders life of Christ emerging in our transformation. The words “Come Forth” reflect the groaning of creation to see the unveiling of the sons of God. This is the calling forth of Christ by the power of His Spirit to conquer us fully, all the universe will one day be conquered by the one riding this white horse.

Isaiah 6:6-7 Then out of the smoke, one of the angels of fire flew to me. He had in his hands a burning coal he had taken from the altar with tongs. He touched my lips with it and said, “See? The burning coal from the altar has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away, your sin is blotted out.

Your sin is atoned for, instead of the seraph throwing him out of the sanctuary, he brought God's cleansing coal. It was a coal, for when God judged sin, only coals of fire were left; it speaks of a finished sacrifice. The word for coal is ritzpah and means “ceremonial stone”. In the temple, incense was poured upon the ritzpah stone. Then the stone was placed in the fire, creating the fragrance of the burning sacrifice of the Lamb of God. This white-hot stone that was placed on Isaiah's lips is perhaps the shining white stone given to the over comers. (Revelation 2:17)

Then I heard the Lord saying “Who should I send to My people? Who will go to represent us?” I spoke up and said, “I will be the one. Send me.” In hebrew = “Hineni”: Here I am. Send Me! The word is Hineni, which means “Here I am!” But you’ve got to watch out how you say it, because it is a way of expressing total readiness to give oneself – it’s an offer of total availability.

After Isaiah said Hineni God gave him specific instruction's what he was to do and speak to the people.

And he answered the call quickly.

Moses met with God, really met God. Exodus 3: The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush. So he looked, and behold, the was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Then Moses said “I will turn aside and see the great sight (a mystery). So, when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said “Moses, Moses!” and he said “Here I am”. (God called him and Moses answered) He has specific instructions in what He wanted Moses to do because He heard the cry of the of His people (My people) I have come down to deliver them. After receiving all that God would do for His people, Moses said Whom am I to go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the children of Israel of of Egypt? So God said, “ I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you; When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain. Then Moses said to God 'Indeed when I come to the children of Israel and say to them “The God of your fathers has sent me to you and they say to me What is His name? What shall I say. And God said to Moses “I Am Who I AM”......I AM has sent me to you.

Moses didn't know God personally and still had an amazing encounter. Standing in Awe of who He was.

It was a beginning of a continuous relationship. It was an encounter that changed him forever, and changed his people forever including the next generation.

Was this not a honor for Moses and a honor for God to ask him to partner with Him and deliver His People. When Moses turned to see the mystery before his eyes, it got God's attention, when this happened it changed their relationship forever. They stayed in partnership.

There is a difference in just going to church vs knowing Creator who created the universe. What He is like, what His character is.

God does allow us glimpses of Him and we live, come alive, pursue our purpose with Him guiding us.

Fear of the Lord is beginning of wisdom and of knowledge. He sent His Only Son so we may see and feel what it would be like to be with Him. To learn to love as He loves. To be in a relationship with Him, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Do something different in your prayer life, come before and think about who you are praying to.

Come with a thankful heart, come in awe of who He is to us.

When you experience God and all of His Holiness – your life is changed, it changes who you are.

You will look at creation differently. You will see creation as Creator created it, become holy again like the Maker intended it to be. Being restored, being redeemed. It will take coals that you bring from the fire of the altar of God to bring change.

Sacred Place Warriors – They take time to stop and go to that sacred place at a sacred moment in their journey. They do not rush their journey. They know it is for such a time as this to search their hearts. Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. He went to His sacred place.

Mark 1:35

We have sacred places where we honor what Creator has done in a place. When two rivers come together into being one (it is sacred). When you walk on the land and you feel Creator's Presence (sometimes a warmness is what you feel), it represents a sacred portal (this can happen in a building also). When you sit around a fire there is a place that holiness can happen, the stillness of His voice. The sharing of your story, My God will answer by fire. This is sacred. When the wind blows, that gentle wind that touches our cheek, this is sacred. When the thunder comes we can hear His voice, this is sacred to us. When lightening strikes, this is sacred to us. When the rain comes it is a blessing to the earth, it speaks a language we can hear, this is sacred to us. When we connect with the earth that brings healing to us, this is sacred. The sun, moon, & stars speak of who Creator is, this is sacred. There are many elements that are on this earth that are sacred to us, but we do not worship them we honor what Creator has given us.

Can we be a Warrior of Holiness, how can you not! Holiness is what I seek for, Holiness is what I need. You can not go forth in your walk, in your purpose without it. You can try to go forth without spending time in His Presence, you will fail in your journey and will pay the consequences.

Do you have head knowledge of who God is or do you have heart knowledge? He wants your heart.

Jesus paved the way for us to come into the Holy of Holies and live. When Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn that allowed the priest to come into the holy of holies. Jesus removed death and brought a new life, new birth, new way of living.

The veil of the temple was for concealment. The mysteries were unveiled – signifying Unity – Jew and Gentile. A new and living way of God. Jesus opened a way for us to enter in to the Holy of Holies

Now we have the ability to boldly (stand) before the throne of Creator, to bow and give reverence, honor & glory to Him. We allow Him to change us and never be the same again. There is certain protocol when you come before a King or a Queen. In Swaziland when you come before the King you have to be on your knees in the King's presence. In England you have to curtsy low in The Queen's presence. There is a way to speak and approach the King or Queen of the land.

For us, Jesus paid this price for us to enter in. We come and receive His glory – Kaaba – Holiness – Heaviness brews over us, most the time we are so struck-ed in awe, we bow down with our knees on the floor or lying down on the floor/ground and take in all that He has for us. Kodosh, Kodosh, Kodosh comes out of our lips in reverence to the Creator of All. We are in awe in the Presence of our King.

Do you have a scripture verse that speaks of your life of your purpose? Creator has sung His Word over us, He sings songs over us. What is His Word over you? What is His song over you?

What has He named you in the spirit? He has called me many different names during my journey with Him. Butterfly – Dancing Feet – Eagle Warrior. This is how I am known in heaven. Jesus changed the disciples name in how He saw them. Sons of Thunder to John. Saul to Paul. Lilly to Mary (Miriam) Ask Creator for your spiritual name, how you are seen in heaven.

Years ago I was given Isaiah 61 – my life verse. (this verse was to partner with Jesus in moving forward for His Kingdom) If you do not know your life verse, pick a number between 1 and 150 then go read the Psalms with that number.

The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me. To preach good tidings to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.

Isaiah 61:4 and they shall rebuild the old ruins. They shall raise up the former desolations and they shall repair the ruined cities. The desolations of many generations.

Research your verses dig deeply into them so they will get into your spirit, mind and body.

This is what I've found in the research of digging deeper.

Those who have been set free build a house in the spirit, of ancient time to have continuous existence from the past to the future. The past ruins of desolation, of death will be restored and rebuilt (stronger then before. When this happens, arise and be established, become powerful, maintain, be cleaner and decree out, in this you will succeed. The ancestors before time, our elders of the past, they have prayed into this desolation. They have prayed for freedom for you to not be numb or to destroy self. Those who are free renews oneself. They will will renew cities and places guarded by waking or watchmen of many generations, that have been in this dwelling place.

This brings such a deeper understanding of God's Word.

You can do research on The Blue Letter Bible App.

TPT: The mighty Spirit of Lord Yahweh is wrapped around me because Yahweh has anointed me, as a messenger to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted, to tell captives, “You are free,” and to tell prisoners, “ Be free from your darkness.” I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh's grace and a time of God's recompense on His enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow, to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn out of Zion-- to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes, (deeper hebrew meaning: God has the power to change and move things around in our lives to make them into something beautiful) the oil of bliss instead of tears, and the mantle of joyous praise, instead of the spirit of heaviness.” Because of this, they will be known as Mighty Oaks of Righteousness, (Oaks represent = points to a Godly, spiritually mature people who will know the righteousness of God and walk in it), planted” by Yahweh as a living display of His glory. They will restore ruins from long ago and rebuild what was long devastated. They will renew ruined cities and desolations of past generations. ( These desolate places can also point to areas of our lives that are broken and to spiritual truths that have been lost and forgotten for generations)

When we go deeper we receive a deeper understanding.

We must heal our past generations. Reminds me of when I went to my great grandmother's grave in Marble City, OK. I wanted to see my Dotson side of my family. Annie Dotson (my great g-ma), when I arrived at the graveyard and stepped foot on the land, I heard “she is here, she is here” Annie is my Cherokee tribe. I found her grave and it was so clear something was going on in the spirit from my past generation, I kept hearing in a voice mind you, “she is here, she is here.” It was an excitement and joy. Jeanne Allen was with me and took me into the courtroom of heaven and broke any curses and called forth blessings. I was taken up and could feel the prayers of my ancestors. Was I fearful, somewhat. But I know the synergy of my great grandmother's prayers connected with my prayers to bring freedom for us.

I went to my great great grandparent's grave, didn't feel anything but I did take some wild flowers that was growing there & some dirt and brought them home. Pressed them for reminders for me. I prayed over the dirt for my future generations to bring blessings. (I will teach on this in another blog).

What fuels your passion for God?

  1. God does

  2. Seeing delight in His face

  3. Seeing what is possible in my lifetime

  4. Reading the scripture that help me to see situations differently. These things should make you come alive!!!!

If God has commanded us to do something. We know it must be possible by His grace. We may feel totally unprepared so we must seek Him – heart, mind, soul and strength – passionately and completely to become the person who can fulfill His assignments.

What is my passion? See it, live it, dream it. Dreams come from interaction with Him and His Word.

Psalm 27:4 Here's the one thing I crave from God, the one thing I seek above all else: I want the privilege of iiving with Him every moment in His house, finding the sweet loveliness of His face, filled with awe, delighting in His glory and grace. I want to live my life so close to Him that He takes pleasure in my every prayer.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thought of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

This is what I am hearing from Creator/God for this season. (2021)

Do not delay in spending time with Me. Do not be to busy that your forget Me.

I want you Warriors to go and redeem the land, to honor Me in what I have created for you to enjoy, to use, & for you to heal. When the land is Redeemed healing will come. My earth wants to heal and is ready.

When you spend time with Me I will reveal mysteries to you. I will reveal what your part is, in bringing healing to My earth.

The land misses your voice of decrees, the land misses your footsteps. The land misses unity, trust, forgiveness. The land misses each and everyone of you. Be a team that moves forward with precise movement.

You have been trained so it is time to step it up. But I will reveal what needs to be decreed, this battle is not like previous battles. It is a new battle which brings new warfare, new tools. You can not use the old tools you have in the past on this battle. I will show you what new tools are needed and I will give them to you. I am with You and for You. Deb Robinson – Eagle Warrior 5-4-2021

Revised 1-12-2022

Footnotes: Isaiah 61:4 To build = Banah = build a house (in the spirit).

The ancient = Owlam = ancient time, long time past, continuous existence. Past or future

Ruins = Chorbah = Desolation = desolation, destructions, drought, decayed place

They will raise = quwn = arise, raise, establish, accomplish, become powerful, to maintain oneself, be confirmed, be cleaner, decree, ordained, strengthen, succeed.

Up the former = ri'shown = first, ancestors, former things, (ancestor before time) eldest, past.

Devastations = she-men = to be desolate, be deserted, be appalled, casing horror, to cause oneself ruin (grown numb) (destroy self)

And they will repair = chadesh = to be new, renew, repair, to renew oneself

Cities = Iyr = city, everyone, town, a place guarded by waking or a watch

Desolations (see above)

Of Many = dowr = generation, habitation, dwelling

Generations = dowr

Insights from: Frances Chan

Bill Johnson

Dr Negiel Bigpond (God's Might to Fight Book)

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