There are many different types of Prophets. Many different types of prophecies.
I have heard some really good prophets and I have heard some that I ponder about or that I just say 'I think that was your flesh speaking.'
We should be judging prophecies. Does the word of the prophet line up with God's Word? I believe prophecy should either direct you back to God or encourage you in your walk with God. When you have a prophetic word for someone you do not need to focus on what they are doing or sin they are in (if that is revealed to you), focus on what Jesus is saying about them, what He is calling them to. This way it gets them to move forward to Him or back to Him. We can bring correction but it must be done in a loving way, doesn't have to always be in a public setting.
Sometimes I will prophecy with one word, or a verse, or a song lyric. This is where I get to ask Holy Spirit what do you want me to say for someone , the body of Christ, or is this for a later time? Is this word for me or The body? We need to ask before we speak out.
Sometimes you will be in a place and you can pick up on what spirits are there, (anger, abuse, lust, offense or joy, love, peace). This has happened to me, where it took me awhile to realize it wasn't me but spirits I was picking up on in a place.
Has God given you words and you were afraid to speak them out? This use to happen to me in my early season of walking in my prophetic gift. We learn to mature in our gift. We can always ask 'how do I release this?
I usually don't say 'Thus sayeth the Lord' (that does scare me) I usually say 'this is what I am hearing'.
I encourage you today start speaking out what Holy Spirit is saying to you - we need to hear it. Honor Holy Spirit this way. If we are wrong Holy Spirit will correct it. We will be held accountable for not speaking out. Face the spirit of fear (comes from the accuser) and speak out. Your word may bring healing to someone, or touch many.
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior
