Unification of a Nation, Redemptive Gifts of Tribes & Ending Racism
We the people, the Host People and original Gatekeepers of this great land, come together with one heart and one mind to bring healing to our nation through the Power of Forgiveness and Prayer; We believe that Peace and Harmony is the will of the Creator and the ultimate spiritual and natural order among all His people; Therefore, we proclaim that His Peace will create harmony, unity, and mutual respect and honor among all people and nations.
Willie Jock
Gathering Of The Sacred Nations On The Land (April 5-7, 2023)
Unification of a Nation, Redemptive Gifts of Tribes, & Breakthrough in Racism
This was a gathering to honor everyone there, put aside our differences and come together as One in The Spirit. To move forward in Our Purpose.
It was such an honor to be part of a history making gathering. We all came with excitement and expectation of what Creator-God would be doing.
It was such an honor to see the Covenant People of this land dressed in their regalia (priestly garments) and declare who they represented. Representing Jesus Well.
Every tribe has tribal wear that represents their tribe or some have regalia that Creator-God told them to create.
Every tongue, tribe and nation will come before the throne of Creator-God to worship Him. Revelation 7:9 (paraphrased)
To stand as One for unity, forgiveness & reconciliation amongst all of us. To honor our redemptive gifts that was given to us by Creator-God. To come and have breakthrough in racism.
John 17:17, 20-22 "I have commissioned them to represent Me, just as You commissioned Me to represent You." "And I ask not only for these disciples but also for all those who will one day believe in Me through their message. I pray for them all to be joined together as One, even as You and I, Father, are joined together as One. I pray for them to become One with us, so that the World will recognize that You sent Me. For the very glory You have given to Me, I have given them so that they will be joined together as One, and experience the same unity that We enjoy."
Standing as one in the power of unity, will bring healing to us, to others, and to this land that we get to live on.
What a tremendous way to represent Jesus well.
We came in and was greeted with open arms, in acceptance and to me this was such a honoring of who we are.
The first and biggest lesson for all of us is 'Oneness'. Relying on our spiritual leaders, our elders, & intercessors, to bring forth unity, in this gathering. To think in a deeper way, to moving forward for all of us.
It was an honor to be part of praying into this gathering, and some had been praying for many years.
Dr Negiel Bigpond and Apostle Chuck Pierce were instrumental in knowing when Creator-God's timing was right, for this to happen.
This gathering was held at Glory of Zion International church in Corinth, Texas.
In Texas there is The Unbroken Treaty in Fredricksburg between a German immigrant John O. Meusebach and Chief Ketemoczy of the Penetaka Comanche. A treaty that we chose to honor in where we gathered. A treaty that represented covenant well.
I remember a quote from Gabriel Ward "This is that, the prayers of our ancestors coming together with our prayers", for completion of what Creator-God wants to happen.
For our purpose to rise forth and glorify Him in all that we do.
This gathering happened at Passover. Passover was time when the Israelites came out of bondage. To move forward for their purpose as a tribal people group. This is significant time for us as Covenant People to move forward in what we have to bring, to release our voices and our voices will be heard. To release all tribes in unity. To come together as a sacred nation, to bring unity, redemptive gifts and bring forth healing in racism. As I see it, to restore Trust again.
Each representative of their tribe or state brought forth protocol gifts to honor Dr. Negiel Bigpond and Apostle Chuck Pierce. To see this type of honoring can be overwhelming, but is necessary in our ways. It was profound to see our prayers answered, tribes truly bringing honor and learning how a deeper honor with each other should be.
Representative Seth Penn said it well, "I am Cherokee of Alabama, it is time for tribes to honor each other, the ones who represent their Federal Recognized Tribe and the ones who represent their Non Federal Recognized Tribe. No paper from the Government is going to tell me if I am Indian or not."
We as tribal people have felt for a long time what the power of unity will bring.
It is time to forgive each other and move forward. (This is Seth in the beige shirt being hugged.)
For me this is unity and where the end of racism will start.
Chief Joseph and Dr. Laralyn Riverwind spoke of the importance of us in honoring Israel as the first tribal people. Chief Joseph spoke as a Taino Representative. (It was his tribe that welcomed Colombus) spoke to the Spaniards to move forward together in forgiveness and unity.
(Riverwinds are on the side)
This is a start of many gatherings to come for Unification of a Nation.
Time to Stand As One!
Below are pictures on All Tribes DC website of the Sacred Gathering Of All Nations On The Land, (used by permission)
Dr. Negiel Bigpond
Deb Miller Robinson - Eagle Warrior 6-18-2023